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"Oi, I would like your finest oil in this restaurant." She prance around getting Rodney's attention, Rodney looks at her and couldn't help but laugh. Y/n then also started to laugh and put the parts away.

"I bet you would be a hit with the ladies Rodney." She teases as Rodney gets up, "Just wait till you get a boy part." She laughs, "If I did, I'd be handsome." Y/n playfully posses on the bed, Rodney then sits on the bed as Y/n did the same.

Rodney then slowly losses his smile, Y/n then gets closer, "Don't worry. We'll fix it and we'll make it better for your dad." He slowly smiles back, "Thanks for cheering me up." She smiled, "No problem."

Y/n then gets up to the desk to make new blue prints, "You relax on your bed while I make a new one." He did exactly what Y/n said and stared at her. "I think with that part on, you'd be a beautiful boy."

"But not as beautiful as you....." Rodney softly whispers to himself, he then plays some soft music to make the mood a lot calm. "I wonder if....." he said, "We would be together in the future like you said."

Y/n then slowly stops, "Y-Yea.......I wonder too....." her voice didn't sound curious, more like sad. He didn't mind it at first so he continued to listen to the music as he stares at Y/n with his motor making quite roaring noises.

Y/n was done with the blue prints, "Finished." Rodney then gets up to see the blue prints, "This looks incredible." Y/n smiles, "Now all we have to do to see if it works tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why not now?" Rodney questioned, Y/n gets up, "I'd figured that we deserve a little break time from inventing." He smiles, "Yea, we have been working hard." Y/n then lays on the bed as Rodney did the same.

"Y/n....." Y/n looks at Rodney, "Yes?" Rodney gets a little nervous, "I was wondering if......" she leans in a bit closer out of curiosity, "If?" His cheeks then started to heat up, "A-Ah.....ummm, if uhhhh."

Before he could say anything Y/n looked at the clock, "Oh gosh it's getting late, it looks like I have to go." She gets up and grabs her things, "See you later!" She rushes out and heads home.

Rodney was disappointed that he couldn't tell Y/n his feelings about her. He decided to wait for the perfect moment.

Time skip

High school was going to start in a few weeks, Rodney thought this was the perfect time to tell Y/n about his feelings. He head over to her house and noticed that there are moving trucks outside and robots carrying boxes into the truck.

Rodney was scared and confused to why they are here. He walked around the house and spotted Y/n sitting on the ground all sad, Rodney then sits next to her, "Y/n...."

Y/n turns around, "Rodney!" She gives him a big hug, "Y/n there something I wanted to tell you." Y/n looks at him, "There is something I wanted to tell you too." Rodney slowly smiles, "On three, 1....2....3.... I lov-"

"I'm moving." His face turns into despair, "W-What..." Y/n slowly cries, "I'm moving Rodney.... I'm sorry." Rodney couldn't understand, "Why?! Why are you moving?!" He didn't want to believe.

"My parents said that there is a better chance of going to a good school and getting a better job in RobotCity and-" Rodney stops her, "RobotCity! But that's far!" Y/n hugs him tightly, "I know, but I don't want to leave!"

Rodney softly rubs Y/n's back and slowly lost his smile, he wanted to tell Y/n about his feelings, but it wasn't going to work if she's moving. "Y/n! Let's go!" It was her dad, Y/n gets up and heads to the car.

She stops and turns to Rodney, "I wish it didn't have to end like this." He frowns, "Me too....." Y/n then pulled something out of her pocket on her leg, "Here."

She handed him a folded blue print of wonderbot, "I think this should do the trick to help your dad." They both hugged and Y/n gets inside the car. The two of them waved their goodbyes as they slowly lose their happiness.

Rodney heads inside to his room and open the blue print, it looked perfect to work. He carefully looked at every detail of the work, till he noticed a small note on the corner of the paper, I love you -Y/n

Rodney looked at the paper and softly cried on his desk thinking about the love of his life, who he won't see again.

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