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"No! That's murder and I can not let you guys do that to the people who need help." They give an upsetting look, "So you do know who is fixing them." I take a step back, "N-No I don't."

"You know exactly who is fixing them!" I respond, "And if I did you guys still won't get away with this. I'm going to get Bigweld!" I head to the door.

"I wouldn't leave if I were you miss Y/n, you wouldn't want your "parents" to be scrapped." I stopped dead at my tracks, I slowly turned around afraid, "Y-You wouldn't dare......"

"I will and if you don't tell me who exactly is fixing those outmodes I'll have your parents scrapped!" I didn't want to tell them that Rodney is the one behind this, so I lied, "I did it....."

"What! You were the one who fixes them!" Ratchet then yanks me towards the wall, "I am going to make sure you don't ruin our plan."

"That's enough Ratchet!" He looks at mother and let's me go, she walks towards me, "You better be at the Bigweld ball tonight and if you do we won't kill your parents."

I made my chance to get out and run to my parents house. I was worried for their safety, I ran as fast I could without stopping.

I then arrived to the house and used my old key to open the door, "Mom! Dad!" The house was empty, I checked everywhere, but no luck. I start to cry till I noticed a note.

It reads, "I had a feeling you were going to tell your parents and make them go somewhere out of our reach, but you were too late. If you really don't want your so called parents to be scrapped I suggest you do as we say and we will consider letting them live.


I had no choice, I have to be part of this horrible plan. But I don't trust them with my parents, we gotta find Bigweld...

With Rodney

I pour down some oil down myself to relax after taking a break on fixing, "Whoooh! Is there anyone else waiting?" Fender, "Let me look...HUAH! A few."

I get up to see, "A few?!" Piper also got up to see, "What did you expect, Rodney? Bigweld was gone, Sweepers were one the loose, but then came Copperbottom! Ha, I'm getting all staticy just thinking about it!"

I get worried, "Well I'm not Bigweld! These robots need parts!" We then hear, "Mail call! Mail call! Copperbottom, this one's from your mom." I take the letter and start reading.

Fender, "Ooh! Ooh! Is there anything for me?" Mail box, "Ooh, I got something for ya! That's from my sister!" Fender, "I recognise her handwriting."

I couldn't believe what I read, I was more worried than ever. "Is anything wrong?" Fender takes the letter as I was still worried, "I'll say. His father's got one foot in the junkyard and if they can't find new parts for him, he's only got a few miles left."

Piper spoke, "Rodney, are you really worried about your dad?" I looked up, Aunt Fanny asked, "Do you wanna go home?" I sighed, "Well if I go home, I still can't help him. We're out of parts! We've gotta get to Bigweld, he's the only one that can fix this!"

Wonderbot taps on my, looks like he's explaining something, Piper spoke, "He's trying to tell us something! What is it boy, what's wrong?"

Wonderbot then does charades to get us to understand, Piper guesses, "Bigweld! Is going.... dancing!" He shows us a poster of the Bigweld Ball Aunt Fanny gets happy , "Of course! The Bigweld Ball! You can't have the Bigweld Ball without Bigweld!"

I made up my mind, "Well that's it, then! I'm going to the Bigweld Ball!" Crank steps in, "What? That's the fanciest party of the year, you'll never get past the gate!"

We all start to think of a plan till I hear Y/n coming inside, she looked worried. She was about to head to her room till Fender asks, "Y/n do you think you could get us in the Bigweld ball?!"

She stops but doesn't look at us, "I don't think I'll be able to, there is a list of people who is allowed to enter the ball. I couldn't possibly get you guys inside, you'll have to think of something else......sorry."

She then heads to her room, I was going to check on her till Piper stops me, "I'll go check on here, girl to girl talk." I nodded as she enters her room.

{Y/n Pov}

"Y/n... is everything ok?" I turned to her with tears flowing down, she then hugs me with a worried look, "Y/n what's wrong? What happened!" I couldn't stop crying as Piper hugged me tightly.

Piper wipes my tears, "Tell me what happened..." I took a deep breath, "My parents were kidnapped, and Ratchet is going to scrapped them..... We gotta find Bigweld fast Piper!"

"We will Y/n, Rodney is thinking of a way to find him. They are going to go to the Bigweld ball and asked if-"

"Piper they can't be at the Bigweld ball tonight!" She gets worried, "How come?" I get scared, "Because Bigweld isn't going to be at the ball?"

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