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With Y/n

I was finished with the groceries and walked home, I decided to check on the gang one more time, Crank was a bit upset, "Oh, what's the use. There's nothing left!" Lugnut, "Hey, Diesel! I found you a voice box!"

Diesel put the voice box in his mouth,"*a Spanish guy commentaring a football game*" Lugnut takes it out, "Uhh, here's another one." Diesel, "*happy dog noises*" Crank, " That's no good. Give me that!"

Diesel, "*angry dog growling*" Lugnut holds on to a part, "Ugh, I can never find parts in my size!" I then hear someone screaming......? "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOFFF!"

"*bark bark bark*" Lugnut gets curious, "What is it, boy?" Diesel, "*bark bark*" Lugnut picks up Fender's head, I sighed, "Fender I thought I told you to be carful." Lugnut chuckles, "Heh heh! Hey, Fender! Have you lost weight?"

Crank overreacts, "Lost weight?! Ha ha! Look at where you're looking! He's a head! In a basket! We're doomed, I knew it! We're doomed!" Fender rolls his eyes, " Eeh, will you shut up, you neurotic nut, why I'd...I'd smack you if I had a hand! *sounds of something falling* Oh! Speak of the devil! Here I come."

Fender's body came crashing down hard, "OOWWWWWWW, DANG!" I flinched of how painful it must've felt, Piper comes out of the dumpster, "Whooooah, check this out! Who would throw away such a cute little doodad?"

That little robot almost looked familiar and the poor thing was scared, Piper comforts it, "Aww, don't be scared." I hear a familiar voice, "Hey, that's mine!" Fender speaks, "That's him! That's the guy! I would know that face! I know that face and I know that foot!"

Apparently his body wasn't facing him, "Psst, he's over there, moron." Now it did, "THAT'S THE PERPETRAITOR! He knocked my head off! You want another piece of me?!" Piper gets out, "Alright, buster! If you think you can mess with my big brother yooooooooooou're you're kinda cute!"

I giggled, as crank looked at Piper, "Piper, would you behave yourself? Now come on, let's go get Fender fixed. Again." The gang starts to leave as Piper gives back the little robot, "Here's your thingamabob. By the way, the name's Piper. Rhymes with Viper. Ssssssss. See ya round."

She trips but quickly picks herself up, "Aaah! Mm hmm." Fender talking to Piper, "We've told you a hundred times, *his hand mouths* "don't talk to strange men." Thank you, manuel." Piper respond, "I talk to you. Who's stranger than that?"

The gang left leaving me and him, by ourselves. I wanted to know if he is really Rodney, I asked, "What brings you here in RobotCity?" He gets a bit upset, "I was planning to become an inventor as a job to help my dad till I was kicked out."

I slowly frown, "I feel bad you had to be thrown like that, I mean honestly I wanted to be an inventor with my childhood friend, that was till I moved." I looked carefully at the little robot, "May I?"

He hands me the little robot, "I remember you........You're supposed to be Wonderbot......" I honestly felt bad for the poor thing, Ratchet had no right to kick him and damaging it. "Wait a minute......Y/n?" I looked at him, I finally knew it was him, "Rodney?!"

He came up to me and gave me the biggest hug, "I'm so happy to see you again, I thought I was never going to see you." I smiled, "I really missed you Rodney. You don't know how long I was waiting for you to be here." We stopped hugging, I then felt my motor running, my face starts to heat up.

I then looked at Wonderbot again, "The poor thing needs repairs, I know a place where they have many parts. Follow me." He smiles and follows, I realized that I had to return the groceries for Aunt Fanny, luckily we are already at the Repair shop.

"Here it is, I hope you find what you're looking for." Rodney smiles, "Thanks." He turns to the window, "It's those guys again." I turned to them, "They probably needed parts to fix his neck. I mean I would fix him, but I need full concentration to be able a find a part for him."

I smirk, "However, I don't think I'll be able to fix him in a second, I think I need an inventor to help him." He gets slightly confused, "What do you mean? You want me to fix him?" I smirk again, "I mean you are an amazing inventor, but I guess you don't have to if you want to become the greatest inventor of all time."

He starts to smirk, "Oh haha very funny Y/n. It almost sounds like you want me to be around you more." My face heats up again, as he continues, "After all......" he grabs my hand, "I want to be by your side for the rest of my life so we can be great inventors together."

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