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Play video^ please do not mind the video, I thought it was funny ^-^

Herd played as the whole crowd suddenly went very quiet. The gang was stunned of how he played, Rodney and Y/n were also stunned and speechless.

Crank said, "Whelp, there goes our happy ending." Fender says, "NYOOO, it's a fusion of Jazz and Funk! It's called Junk!" Then gang then started to make beats to go with the music, as the music picks up.

Eventually the music kicks in and is making the crowd want to dance, Lydia shouts, "I love you, Herb!" The crowd cheers and starts dancing as everyone is having a blast, Diesel was then handed a voice box and started to sing.

The gang and everyone else starts showing off their dance moves, as Piper gets up on the stage and starts dancing making everyone else follow. Y/n was then swooped off as Rodney takes her hand to start dancing, the two we're happy together.

Then Aunt Fanny joins the crowd as Bigweld joins with her, everyone cheers as the two danced together. Piper was having a blast as the gang was happy to help Rodney save everyone.

Loretta then appears, "Fender!" Fender shouts, "Loretta, my darling!" She jumps onto his arms but fell off, "Ooh, hehehe. Sorry." Rodney and Y/n looked at each other happily as they kissed.

Tim was then carried off by Wonderbot, "What are you doing to me?! Wait, I-I-I was on the list! Come ohon! Don't you know who I am?" Wonderbot kicks him away as he laughs and head towards the gang to dance.

The whole day was filled with glee and the town dances like one big party, Rodney's dad's dream came true, the gang are happy to that the all of robots are saved, and Rodney was happy to get the girl he was in love with.

As the day passed everyone head back to doing their lives, Rodney went up to his dad, "I'm happy that you played dad, you were amazing." His dad chuckles, "I couldn't have done it without you son."

Aunt Fanny calls us, "Come on kids, let's get going home." The gang were ready to head off as Rodney says goodbye to his parents, Y/n was talking to her parents, "You guys are going to stay here?" They smiled softly, "It's better here since we will catch up with your boyfriend's parents, we have so much we could do. Besides Y/n, you don't need to worry about us anymore."

They all hugged as Y/n softly smiles, "I hope so, I'll try to visit." Everyone said their goodbyes as they head back to Robot City.

Time skip

The gang were finally home as everyone relaxed, Aunt Fanny and Bigweld decided to go out together as the gang chilled. Y/n was in her room laying down on her bed, she heard a knock.

It was Rodney, "Long day we had huh?" She giggled, "Very, I'm sure glad everything went good." Rodney day next to her, "Me too, Y/n..." she sat up, "Yes Rodney?" He looked nervous, but Y/n doesn't know why.

He spoke, "Y/n.....do you....want to....be my partner working with Bigweld..." Y/n softly smiles, "Silly, of course I will." She then leads onto Rodney's shoulders, "I guess this means that I'll be by your side forever."

The two held hands as they lean to kiss each other, as Rodney softly says, "Being great investors."

The End

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