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"YOOOHOOOO, ROOOOODNEEEEEEY! WAIT *panting* Your suitcase..." I softly smiled, "Thanks, Aunt Fanny, but I'm..." Aunt Fanny, "You know, the others wanted to come and see you off, too." I asked, "Well why didn't they?"

"Hmm? OOH! They did!" They all got out from her.....back trunk?... all groaning of disgust, "Next time, let's split a cab." I nervously smiled at Cappy.

"Who the heck is SHE?" said Piper, I chuckled as Aunt Fanny said, "I used to have a figure like that." Which made everyone turning to her and checking. We then heard someone, "HURRY! COME ON! ONE TICKET TO ANYWHERE!"

"Fender?" Piper gasps happily, "I have a sister!
An ugly sister..." Fender rams towards us, "HEY! GUESS WHAT! IT'S THE SWEEPERS! They're rounding up outmodes and taking them! Not them, US! TO MADAME GASKET'S CHOP SHOP!

But that's not all, Y/n has been brainwashed and has her memory card taken from her, now she's taken their side. And guess who's really behind it all.

I was happy to hear that Y/n is still alive, but it quickly went away that her memory was taken away, "Ratchet."

"You don't wanna guess, COME OOOOOON! I ran all this way in cha-cha heels, COME ON, TAKE A STAB!" I screamed, "RATCHET!" Fender jumps onto me, "RATCHET!
LISTEN TO ME, LISTEN TO MEEHEEHEHE.....we won't last a week!"

Crank speaks out, "Okay okay, settle down. I got a plan...LET'S ALL GET ON THAT TRAIN" Everyone agreed, I stopped them, "HEY, WAIT A MINUTE! You're all giving up?!"

"You started it." I take a stand, "Well I'm ending it. My mistake was hoping that Bigweld would fight our battles. WELL HE WON'T! It's up to us! If we don't do something about Ratchet, no one will! Come on, let's fight back!" Aunt Fanny said softly, "Fighting never solved anything."

"Quitting isn't so productive either! I gotta tell ya." It was Bigweld who said that. Everyone was in shock, "It's the big boy." Aunt Fanny is speechless, "Oh, be still, my pump..."

Bigweld looks at me, "Kid, if you're gonna fight, I'm going in with ya!" I was surprised, "Y-you are?!" Bigweld asked, "Hey, who's the dane with the sweet keister?" I was confused, "But why?"

"I dunno, I'm a big guy, and I...I like women with large..." I stopped him, "No no no, wh-why are you gonna help us?" He smiled, "Oh! Because...I wanna grow up to be like you!" I looked at Cappy who is very happy, "Then let's do it."

"Come on, gang! Let's give that Ratchet a oldschool fix-it!" We all cheered and start heading home to come up with a plan. "Auh, what a man!"

Aunt Fanny fainted, Crank then said, "Someone get a crane."

Time skip {Y/n's Pov}

I am with Ratchet in his office, he's on the phone with mother as I am working on setting up the plan, "Mother, I'm an adult! Okay? So stop telling me how to kill Bigweld. I'm doing it today, how I want, where I want and with whatever I want!"

I then hear him spit out his drink, I get up alerted, "What's wrong!" I head to the window he was looking from, and I spotted Bigweld's limo, "No! He can't be!"

He spoke to mother as I called for the process of the mega sweepers as fast as possible, "Looks like we are gonna have to take him to the ChopShop by force!" He looks at me and nodded.

With Rodney

We arrived to the industry in Bigweld's limo, Cappy and I got out of the limo. Bigweld spoke, "Okay, board room. 10 minutes. I want you both there." Lugnut, "Mr. Bigweld! Should we come too?"

"Err, no! No! You stay here and watch daddy's limo!" Lugnut, "Yes sir!" Bigweld looks at us, "Right now I'm going inside to kick some booty. Hey, you know, your boyfriend here is a genius." I was confused, "What?"

Cappy respond, "Oh, he's not my...he is?" I get a bit concerned, "I'm what?" Bigweld smiles, "Thanks for still believing in me. Ah, it's good to be home. Toodley-oodley!" Cappy and I started the 10 minute count.

{Y/n's Pov}

I quickly paced back and forth worried as Ratchet is on the phone contacting the front desk, "NOOOO! No! Tell him I'm not here! Tell him anything, just don't let him in!"

"RATCHET!" He screamed, "AAAAAAAAAH!" I took a step back with a shocking upset expression, Bigweld heads to Ratchet as he climbed on the big chair, "I'll cut right to the point!"

"What happened?! Run out of dominoes? I'll send you some more!" He gets angry, "You're fired!" We both are in shock, "FIRED?! ON WHAT GROUNDS?! This company has never been more profitable!"

Bigweld tosses him off the chair, I quickly helped him up, "Profits, schmofits. Now GET OUT!" Ratchet pleaded, "No wait, please, listen to meee! You can't do this to me! This job is my life! It means everything to me! You don't know what I've done to get here! The lies I've told! The lives I've RUINED! this isn't helping me."

I faced palmed, "You think!" Bigweld gets the phone, "Get me security!" Ratchet quickly took it out of his hands, "WAIT! Please! Can I just make one last heartfelt plea?"

I was a bit confused, Bigweld rolls his eyes, "Okay, what did you wanna say?" Immediately Ratchet struck Bigweld, "THAT!" I was surprised, "Wow." Ratchet looks at me, "OH MY GOSH, I'm as crazy as my mother..."

"Oohhhhhhhhhhhh..." He struck him again, "NYORAAAGH!" I scoffs, "Likely...." The door opens, it was security. Our worries are over, as we both smiled.

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now