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Next day {Y/n's Pov}

I checked my schedule today to see if I have a day off, I then got a phone call from Ratchet, does he need me today? He did say yesterday that I'll be part of the plan they have. "Hello."

"Y/n I'd like to give you the rest of the day off, just to take a breather from yesterday's.... meeting." I didn't want to be reminded, "Thanks Ratchet. See you tomorrow at work."

I almost gagged, that's good I needed a break from what I experienced at work yesterday. I head to the living room to relax, the crew also got up and were getting ready for the day.

"Good morning sleeping beauties." I said, they all looked at me with soft smiles. Aunt Fanny made breakfast for us to get us ready for other bots to get fixed.

"Not working today Y/n?" Rodney asked. I responded, "No, today is my day off. And honestly I needed it." He softly sighed to what I meant, "Well are guys ready to help bots in need."

The gang all nodded yes, so did I. We all got our tools to get the job done, I was then stopped by Rodney. "Hey, Y/n....I um made this for you." He showed me an eye lens, "I made it so it can advance your blueprint methods."

I carefully put it over my right eye, I decided to test it out and it worked perfectly, "Thank you for making this." He gave me a hug as I hugged back, just then Aunt Fanny walked in on us, "Is this what I think it is?!"

We both get shy and nervous, Aunt Fanny held both of my hands, "Did you finally get the man of your dreams!" My motor roared of what she said as Rodney looked away hiding his chuckles, "Yes I did..."

She gave me a hug, "I'm so proud of you. After all those years waiting for him to sweep you off your feet." I get embarrassed, "Aunt Fanny!" She then giggles as she looks at Rodney, "You are very lucky to have her."

He smiles, "I sure am." We all went outside as my face heats up, Rodney smirks at me. "Sorry to make you wait for me." I looked away flustered , "Let's get to work ok...."

Time skip

We were up all morning fixing the robots, I then noticed that we are slowly running out of parts. I start to worry as Rodney notices, "We can't keep this up forever. We need to find Bigweld."

"But we don't know what to do yet when we run out of parts." Rodney gave me a kiss on the hand, "I promise that we will find him and save everyone." I smiled as my phone starts to ring, "Hello."

"Y/n I'm calling you to have you come by at my office." I get a bit confused, "But what about my day off?" He says, "I know that you have a day off but right now this is important and I need you to come here right away ok."

I sighed, "Ok, I'll be there." He hangs up as I quickly cleaned up to "work" oddly it doesn't feel like work anymore. Rodney asked, "You were needed by Ratchet huh."

"Yea, and he needs me for something. I'm still not over it." Rodney held my hand, "If he does anything to hurt you, don't hesitate to tell me." I gave him a kiss, "Don't worry, I'll make sure he won't try anything."

I left to head to his office, I opened the door to be greeted by a "Someone's fixing them!" I froze as Ratchet was confused, "What?"

"Someone is repairing outmodes, and they are laughing at you!" I was honestly scared to hear that, I don't want them to know that I was part of it.

"Who?! And are you sure they're not laughing with me?" She has a blank face, "Yes." I walked in as they didn't noticed me for a while, but I did noticed a big hole on the wall.

"Oh, so what if one crazy fanatic repairs a few outmodes. Who cares?" I sat down on a seat as they continued, "Think. Use those brains I stole for you. Today it's one, what about tomorrow and everybody gets the idea this is okay?
"We can fix ourselves!" "We don't need upgrades!" "We want Bigweld!" Then what happens to YOU?"

I am trying my best to not get very nervous. "Okay, okay, take it easy...we've got to find out who this is and stop him." She gets angry, "Not stop him, crush him! DESTROY him!"

I flinched a little. "And by the way, I bought you a little something for your desk." She gave him a pic of her with the words "worlds best mom" on it.

Ratchet looks up and noticed me, "Y/n, how long have you been sitting here?" I responded, "At the part of "laughing at you" so I sat down and waited."

"Y/n darling, listen we have a problem here. Obviously you heard, but there is someone out there fixing outmodes and we need to stop them."

I slightly asked, "I um.... I exactly don't know what you guys are planning." They then walked towards me, "We are planning to get rid of parts in order to make upgrades so that the ones who can't afford them will be scrapped."

I felt as if I was in a cold place with chills running down, "What...but that's cruel. You can't do that to them-"

"Oh it will happen Y/n, and you are going to be part of it."

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now