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With Y/n

"Y/n, Cappy, you uh-mm hmm, you haven't said a word." I looked at Ratchet with a concern look, "It...gave us...chills." He smiles, "Thank you. Thank you."

Cappy respond, "But...", "But?" Oh gosh.... Cappy, "I'm just wondering, why would robots buy new upgrades if parts are so much cheaper?" He gave us a smirk, "Oh, right! Well, that's easy because as of today we are no longer MAKING SPARE PARTS!"

Everyone gasp at Ratchet knocking all of the parts out of the table, "Do you know what I call robots who can't afford upgrades? SCRAP METAL!" I roll my eyes at his ridiculous remarks, "You see them on the streets, mis-shapen, rust covered, they...turn your insides out!"

Ratchet kept going on about out as I looked at the window not paying attention hoping to head home after work, You wanna run home and scrub yourself!

I then see a blue robot outside the window, I was a bit concerned then was interrupted, "Now, Cappy, I want your department to push our new slogan. In fact, I'm moving you into the office right next to mine."

Ratchet gets closer to us, "We'll be working very very closely together on this one. Won't that be fun?" I felt the cringe of his flirting towards Cappy, she sarcastically responded, "Oodles."

Then the robot came through the window landing on the table facing in front of me, he gives me a nervous look. I then see a small robot flying out of control almost crashing to Ratchet till the robot stopped it.

"Oh, so sorry, I-I...", "What th-", "Sir, I-I-I am a young inventor, and... And it has been my dream to come to Robot City and...and to present my ideas to Mr. Bigweld!.....who doesn't seem to be here..."

Is that......Rodney......

Ratchet respond, "Gee, no, no, but while he's away he left me in charge." The robot gets confused, "Oh. Well then let me show you what this can do!" Ratchet gave a smirk, "I have a better idea. Why don't you let me show you what it can do?"

He takes the little robot and kicks it out of the window, "It can do THIS!" I was shocked to see the poor thing being launched away, the security guards came inside and took the robot away.

I couldn't believe that Ratchet would be so cruel, I get up and followed them. Ratchet yells, "Where are you going Y/n!" I turned around, "What you did was very cruel Ratchet! And I will not let this happen."

I quickly ran outside to see the robot being carried off in the giant magnet, he struggles to get out but no use. The magnet let's go of him as I quickly followed.

With Rodney

"Ow! Eeeuh!" The giant magnet finally dropped me, I get up to see Bigweld's slogan changing, Tim asked, "So how'd it go?" I get up trying to take the led sticking on me out, "What the heck...heck is going on around here?! Some...some highly polished jerk is sitting in...in..in Bigweld's chair!"

"Mmm, and you're sitting on the sidewalk. Magnetized!" He continues to laugh, I start to get angry, "Listen. I'll be back! And I'm gonna get to the bottom of this!"

"Wow, when you pick a lost cause you really commit! Where do they make dreamers like you? GET LOST, FREAK!"

With Y/n

I was almost to the door till I felt a hand grabbed my arm, it was Ratchet, "Why are you following him? Do you know him?" I get a bit nervous, "I-uhhh." He grips tightly, "I need to know Y/n."

"Ratchet let her go!" It was Cappy heading towards me, "You better leave her alone." Ratchet let's go of my arm and heads to Cappy, "You're right and Y/n I'm sorry for being to forward. I don't want to upset Cappy at all." He gives her a smirk as she looks away disgusted.

I shivered from his remark, I opened the door to see Rodney gone, "Tim did you see where he went?" He looks at me, "He went that way and appeared to be pulled from being magnetized." I quickly head to where he ran hopefully finding him.

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now