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Silent was all there was after what I said, "What?!" I held back the tears, "My parents aren't my real parents.....my real dad left me with them but I don't know why...and now I know who my real parents are, that makes Ratchet my older brother, and my real mom wants me for some plan they are doing......."

The tears then fall as I ran out of the kitchen while the crew heard the commotion, "What happened!" I didn't answer and left the house.

{Rodney's Pov}

I tried to follow her but she shut the door as she left, I felt ashamed. "What happened!" They looked at me all worried, "Why was she crying?"

I sighed, "She told me about her parents. Turns out they aren't her real parents, she's actually related to Ratchet which makes her Ratchet's little sister."

The crew were very shocked and felt awful, "Poor Y/n.....we need to be there for her." I looked away, "I need to go after her. It's my fault for pushing her."

I then ran out of the house to find Y/n, I then noticed Aunt Fanny coming back, I asked her, "Did you see Y/n ran by?!" She looked worried, "Yes I did she ran passed me with tears in her eyes. Poor thing."

"Do you know where she might be?" She points to the ally way where we met when I came here. "Thank you Aunt Fanny." I ran to the ally way to where Aunt Fanny told me.

"Y/n." No answer, "Y/n I'm sorry." I walked in the ally, "I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me. It must've been hard to take." I searched for her, "I should've realized that you didn't want it to tell me."

I was starting to get more worried, "Y/n if you are here please answer me." Silence, I get more worried, "Please!" I was kept searching, getting more worried than ever, "I'm sorry Y/n! I don't want to lose you again...."

I wanted to tell her the truth......of how I really feel about her, "The truth is Y/n......that I am in love with you Y/n!"

I said it....I actually said it..., "I fell in love you from moment we met when we were kids....Whenever we hang out my motor roars wild, like you and I were meant to be.

You mean the world to me, but when you moved away to here I was devastated because that was the day I wanted to let you know that I loved you. And to prove it, I still have this!"

I took out the piece of blueprint with her writing "I love you"on it and held it up. "Every day I couldn't stop thinking about you, because you are my everything."

I was panting from letting my emotions out, but nothing happened......she didn't come out....she must hate me...I then put the little piece away till it slipped out of my hand, I tried to get it back till I see a light.

Her eyes light up from the ally as she held on the piece of paper, she slowly walk towards me as I did the same. We were close as she spoke, "Do...you mean that?" I softly smiled, "Every word...."

She then gave me a hug, I hugged her tightly as she gave me the piece of paper. I put it away and looked at her, "I really am sorry for hurting you Y/n, I shouldn't have done that."

She held my head, "It's ok Rodney, the truth is.....I love you too..." I leaned in as we shared a kiss, it felt as if all my problems went away now that I'm with her.

I didn't want to let her go, I wanted her to be there by my side.....forever. We ended the kiss as I hear Y/n's motor, "What a cute sound I hear." I teased. She gets flustered and turns away, I chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll still love you no matter what."

She smiles, "You know....I wasn't sure if you wanted to be with me, since how much you are doing for everyone to help Bigweld. I just...thought that, ever since I moved....you'd forget me."

"No no, Y/n I wouldn't forget about the one I fell in love with." I kissed her head, "Come on let's go home." I held her hand and walked out of the ally to head home.

"Home....." she said softly. "Is something wrong?" She sighs, "I'm worried what are they going to do with my parents who took care of me..." I held her hand tightly, "I promise you, they wouldn't do anything. As long as they are doing ok, we'll be fine."

"Thank you Rodney." I smiled as she clings to my arm, "I'm so glad you loved me." We finally head home as everyone was worried, they saw us and head towards Y/n asking questions.

"I'm fine guys, really." They all have her a hug, as she heads to her room, before she went in she looks at me smiling with a faint roar from her motor. Myself heard my own motor softly roaring, I was very happy I am with Y/n.

We all head for bed for the crew getting sleep to prepare for helping other robots get fixed.

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