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{Y/n's Pov}

"You guys can't be serious I'm....your daughter." Ratchet gets close to her, "Believe me when I say, I didn't know you were my sister till mother told me the truth." I take a deep sigh, "But still......"

"I know it's hard for you to understand the situation but trust me when I say that you are finally here to be with us." I take a step back, "Excuse me..." She walks towards me, "Now that you are back to us, we want you to participate in our plan for the future."

"Wait hold on, I'm still unsure if I'm even really your daughter." They both have an upset look, "Want me to prove it to you fine." They gestured me to the seat unhooking some parts of my torso, it's making it hard to think of these two touching me.

"See." They revealed a part with a smooth signature, "Mine is right here." Ratchet shows the same signature that's on the inside of his left arm. "No way..... this can't be true."

"But it is Y/n. Now I know that this will take time to get used to, but starting tomorrow morning you will have to take responsibility in the plan mother created. You are free to leave."

I left the office and slowly tried to process all this, I don't believe it....she's my real mother...but why would my real dad give me away.....I need to get to the bottom of this.

I kept thinking about the two but still no right answer to the questions that's in my head. I was almost home to see a huge crowd outside of the house. I tried to pass by but it was hard to get through.

"Hey lady if you want to get repaired you're gonna have to wait like the rest of us." I was confused, "Repaired?" The robot who spoke to me noticed my confusion, "Oh my mistake miss, a nice guy wanted to help us with repairs since Ratchet replaced them with new upgrades."

"Upgrades!?" He nods his head, "So the rest of us are getting help by that one over there." He points over to Rodney. "Rodney..." I then make way through the crowd to see the whole gang and Aunt Fanny helping all the bots to get fixed.

Piper noticed me, "Y/n I didn't know you were off work early?" I nervously chuckled, "Me neither...so..." Fender spots me, "Oh hey Y/n thank goodness you are here, we could really use your help!"

I was a bit surprised, then Piper spoke, "Yeah, we could really use it, and can you believe that Rodney did this for everyone. I'm so happy that he makes everybody happy to be themselves instead of getting upgrades."

I could see Piper looking at Rodney with the slightest dreamy look. I put two and two together and had a realization, my cheeks heated up and as I tried to ignore it.

I then hear, "Y/n. Will you help us." It was Piper snapping me out of reality, I brushed it off and smiled, "You can count me in!" Piper takes my hand and leads me to Aunt Fanny who is in the front of the line checking off the bots.

"Oh Y/n, are you helping us with Rodney's plan?" I nodded my head, "So..where do I start?" Aunt Fanny gave me a smile, "Well I could really use your help with analyzing all these bots."

"Oh ok. No problem." She then gets back to work as I scanned a robot for some parts that are required. I quickly give the parts to the robot and send them off to one of the crew to work on.

One by one all the robots are all repaired, cheering for Rodney. I was very happy to see everyone happy to be fixed without getting.........upgrades.

I head inside with my mind set with what Ratchet was planning, What was his intention with putting upgrades to people that couldn't be able to afford......

And no more spare parts? Hmmm this is doesn't sound good....especially with what he wants.......

I was still in my thoughts as many questions pop in, but with no answer......as if the only one who can is Ratchet himself. "Ratchet....." I said softly.

"What about Ratchet?" I was shocked and quickly turned around to see Rodney looking at me confused. "I..I...umm...it's nothing....honest."

I then hear Aunt Fanny, "Y/n dear, would you wash the dishes while I go out to get some groceries?" I walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes, "Yes Aunt Fanny!" She left while the crew rest on the couch relaxing after a hard day of work.

Rodney walks in, "I know something is bothering you Y/n." I stopped, but continued. "What happened during the meeting?" I deeply signed, "It was nothing important Rodney." He gets closer to me, "Did he hurt you?!"

"Of course not he.....he..." Rodney then got a bit upset, "Something happened didn't it?!" I slowly get upset, "Yes but it's nothing important for you to understand."

"Why not?! It's clearly bothering you and I want to help." I kept washing the dishes, "It can't be helped Rodney, it's just something I need to deal with on my own."

"But you don't need to be alone, you don't have to deal with it by yourself. So please tell me what happened."

I looked at Rodney, "I told you it's nothing important. Ratchet and I had a private conversation and that's that." I then continue to was the dishes with just one more plate left.

"Did he touch you?" I stopped, "Excuse me?" He repeated himself, "Did he touch you?!" I scoffed, "Of course he didn't touch! He didn't do anything."

"Then what was he doing because clearly you said his name! So tell me what did he tell you! I want to know so I can help you!"

"He's my brother ok!"

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