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Rodney kneels down as he held onto Y/n, "No....." He starts to tear up, as he hugs her body tightly. The crowd was silent as they felt sad for Y/n, Wonderbot hovers to Rodney as he spots her hand.

He chirps as he points to her hand, Rodney looks at her hand as sees her memory card. He quickly fixed her up as he gently placed her memory card inside.

It went silent as Rodney gently put his hand on her face, there was no response from her, "I'm so sorry Y/n......" he closed his eyes as he then felt her hand touching his own hand, "Rodney....."

Rodney looks at Y/n and gives her a tight hug, "Y/n! Your back!" They both stand up as everyone cheered, Y/n was happy, "I can't believe it....We won?" Rodney picks her up, "Yes we won!"

Rodney swings Y/n around as they both smiled and laughed, Piper and Cappt ran to give us a hug. Lugnut then gave us one to as Bigweld smiles, "Ha ha!"

Ratchet's Dad looks at Ratchet, "It's alright, son! You can shine no matter what yo-" Ratchet, "NOO, JU-JUST...STOP!" Rodney hugs Y/n, "Sorry that your mother fell in the incinerator..."

"Its not your fault, she wasn't a good mother anyway..." Rodney gets worried, "But what about your real parents?" She sighs, "I don't think they made it....."

"Now that's not true!" A mysterious voice appeared, "We are still here!" Y/n turns to the voice and sees her parents still alive, she ran for them and gave them a hug, "But I thought-"

"It was actually your mother that didn't kill us, they figured that since you got your memory taken away that we wouldn't be any use, but they told us if we ever tried to get you back, they would scrap us."

"I'm so glad to see you again Y/n! I was so worried that you were taken away from us. But since you know that we aren't your real parents, we'll-"

Y/n cuts off, "It doesn't matter that you aren't my real parents, you two are the greatest ones I have!" They smiled as Y/n's mother sees Rodney, "Thank you for saving my daughter."

"No problem ma'am." Y/n held onto Rodney's hand as they share a tender kiss, Bigweld came towards them, "Come on, Rodney! Let's open the gates of Bigweld Industries forever!"

Rodney stops him, "Wait a minute. There's one thing I need to do first." The gang, as well as Bigweld, head on to Rodney's home town to help Rodney's dad. They took the train as the gang had a lovely chat, especially Fender.

"So Rodney, your dating Y/n huh?" Rodney gets embarrassed, "Well...yeah." The whole gang looks at Rodney, "I didn't know you had a crush on her."

Piper smiles softly, "It's nice that Rodney has Y/n with him by his side, she is very special to all of us." Crank goes, "Better treat her right ok."

Y/n chuckles, "Don't worry Crank. He always does." Rodney smiles as he chuckles too, they finally head to River town as they head to the center of town.

They were setting up something special for Rodney's dad, Y/n sees Rodney holding a big suitcase, "This isn't the suitcase you had with you. What's inside?" He smiles, "It's a gift for my dad, he told me about his dream so I wanna make it come true."

"Oh you." She gave Rodney a kiss as he kissed back. They finished setting up as they spotted Rodney's dad, "Rodney?!" Rodney smiles, "Dad!" He then looks at Y/n, "Y/n?!" She smiles, "It's been years huh?" He chuckles, "And you're a beautiful grown woman."

He put his hand around his mouth, "Hopefully Rodney takes cares of you." Rodney steps in, "Oh dad, of course I will, but there's someone here I want you to meet!" Herb was stunned, "Is that..."

"That's Bigweld, dad. The greatest robot in the world." Y/n chuckles, "Besides you."Bigweld looks at Herb, "I understand you need a few parts." Herb softly smiled, "Well, I..huh....I'm not one to complain, but..."

Bigweld smiles, "Well then don't! I've brought enough parts to make two of you!" The crowd laughed as Bidweld walks up to the microphone, "LADIES AND GENTLEBOTS.
*echo* I CAME ALL THIS WAY. *echo*
Would you cut that out? It's very distracting!"

The microphone, "Sorry.*echo*" Bigweld walks up to Rodney's parents, "Where was I? Mr. and Mrs. Copperbottom, I came all this way to tell you in person that your son Rodney, the man who got me off my big titanium tochis, is now my right-hand bot and my eventual successor."

The crowd started to cheer, Y/n was very happy as Rodney's mom gave him a big hug, "Ohohoh, Mohohom!" His dad walks to him, "Son." Rodney quickly Gabe his dad a big hug, "Dad, I know you kinda felt bad when I was growing up that you couldn't give me a lot of stuff. But you gave me the most important thing. You believed in me."

"From the second you were born." I was tearing up a little as I handed Rodney the suitcase, "Well, Dad, now I want your dream to come true. Dad, you always wanted to be a musician. Now, be one! For everyone to hear!"

The crowd roared with cheering as Rodney and Y/n steps down from the stage after handing Rodney's dad the instrument. Herb said sheepishly, "You'll have to forgive me. Uh, ahem. I'm a little rusty. mmhmm" They laughed a little as Herd was about to start.

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now