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{Third person}

"You know, I love to tinker. But all the tinkering in the world isn't useful unless it starts with a good idea."

The two kids look at each other happily and ran to Rodney's room to discussed on the what to invent, Y/n made some blue prints as Rodney put the pieces together. They made their first invention, but it didn't last long, " AAAAAAAAAAGH!" because it broke apart.

It didn't stop the two, they were filled with determination and kept thinking of an invention.

Time skip

Bigweld, "So, look around for a need, and start coming up with ideas to fill that need! One idea will lead to another, and before you know it....
You've done it! See a need, fill a need!"

Rodney and Y/n were sitting on the floor watching tv till Rodney has a spark in mind, "That's it, Dad! I have to look for......" they both turned around to see Herb snoring in his couch, Y/n looked at Rodney happy, "......a need........"

Y/n and Rodney stayed by the tv continuing to watch The Bigwell Show, dreaming about inventing. Rodney and Y/n are sitting next to each other on the floor watching the Bigwell show.

Y/n looks at Rodney, "Hey Rodney." He listens, "Yea Y/n?" She sits closer to him, "I can't wait for us to grow up and become great investors."

He smiles, "Yea I'm already excited." Y/n realize something, "I heard I'm getting my big girl parts tomorrow. Finally!" she smiles with glee. Rodney gets excited for Y/n, "That's great Y/n!"

Y/n couldn't stop smiling about the thought of being great inventors together, she then placed her hand on his and continued to watch the show, "I hope that we will work together."

Rodney then slowly looked at Y/n's hand on his, he then look towards her as she continues to watch tv. He happily smiles at her with a roar in his motor, making his cheeks warm up. He continues to watch the show with her.

After the show was over, it was time for Y/n to head home, they smiled and waved as she waved goodbye and heads next door to her home. Rodney then looks at his hand that Y/n held, he couldn't stop smiling at the thought of her.

Next day

Y/n came over to hear about Rodney's idea, she head to his room after she greeted Lydia. Rodney looks at her, "Got a hand me down?" She smiles, "Yup, not gonna lie, I love it." He smiles at her, "It's great to hear that."

"So what's today's invention we are going to make?" She said as she sits on his bed. "I'm going to make a wonderbot to help my dad with his job." She gets excited, "What a great idea Rodney!"

Y/n then gets some blue print paper and discusses of what features the wonderbot should have, "I'm thinking it should have flying speed, and fast reflexes to catch the dishes incase they fall."

Rodney nods, "Sounds perfect. We are also going to need so adjustable movements making the robot flexible." She couldn't agree more. The two finished the blue prints and decided to test it out.

Rodney then started to get the materials and invent as Y/n helps him grabs tool, they were finally finished. Rodney and Y/n put on some protection to make sure nothing happens. Rodney turned wonderbot on, it was alive, Y/n then gets a plate and hands it to Rodney.

Rodney takes the plate and slowly gives the plate to wonderbot, "Easy now....." the wonderbot carefully takes the plate and does cute tricks with it. They both looked at each very happy, "Huh huh."

Wonderbot looks at them, "Heh heh. Hmm?" He looks back at the plate and intensely breaks the plate. Rodney and Y/n quickly tried to stop it, "Waargh! Nngh! No! Nuh! Nah! Uugh! Nuugh! Uugh! Owowowowow!"

Just then Rodney's parents came into the room, "Hey there, sport!" Y/n then quickly grabbed the pot from Rodney's head and covered wonderbot, "NNGH. Oh, hi." Herb, "These are your 12-year old parts. They're-"

Rodney, "Hand-me-downs. I-I know, Dad." Wonderbot quickly moved, but was stopped by the both of them, "I don't mind." Herb, "They are from your cousin.....Veronica!"

It was a pink part looking like a lady's chest, Y/n was trying her best not to laugh, as Rodney felt extremely embarrassed, Lydia, "You know how popular sheeee issss!"

Rodney puts his head down on his desk, "Uuuuuuuurgh." Wonderbot takes a quick peek at it, "Woo wooo!" but Rodney slammed his hand to keep it from looking, "UUURGH" Y/n then rubs Rodney's back to calm him down, as wonderbot laughs.

The parents put the box with the parts on Rodney's bed and closed the door, Y/n looks at Rodney, "Hey man....it's not that bad." He still doesn't look convinced, she then smirks as she grabs the parts and holds them pretending she's wearing them.

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