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{Third person}

Every now and then Rodney would always invite Y/n to hangout and play, his parents were always happy to see the two smiling. During those happy moments Rodney and Y/n would always play outside, Y/n lays down on the ground as Rodney did the same.

"Hey Y/n." She looks at him, "Whats up?" He smiles, "I'm getting my big boy parts tomorrow." She smiles and hugs him, "Thats so cool!" She let go and slowly looks at the sky, "I wish I get my big girl parts too."

He looks at her, "You will. It needs time." She smiles, "Yea, and I can't wait!" she then gets up and grabs Rodney's hands and spin around together. They both fell on the ground laughing, as the day slowly ends.

Next day

It was a sunny morning and Herb offered to invite Y/n to the Bigwell parade, her parents agreed and she head to their house to play before they leave. Rodney and Y/n went to play in the living room for a few minutes, till Rodney spotted his dad holding a box.

He taps Y/n and they both went into the kitchen, Herb putting the box on the table, "Hi son! Hi Y/n!" Rodney, "Are those my big boy parts?" Herb, "They sure are!" He puts the box on the table and opens it for Rodney and Y/n to see, "Woooow!"

There was a silence in the room as Y/n looks at Rodney, he seems to be bummed out, ".....they're not.....shiny...." she rubs Rodney's back. Herb, "Well, they're not brand new, they're....pr..preowned, so....."

Lydia, "They're...hand-me-downs! From your cousin, Jeffrey!" Herb, "And they're only for a year." Rodney looks at the parts a bit worried, but Y/n decided to cheer him up, "These parts.....Are so cool!"

The parents looked surprise same with Rodney, Y/n holds on to one of the parts, "This is way cooler than I thought it was. And I don't even have mine yet!" She puts it down and nudged Rodney, "Don't you think these parts are cool?"

He slowly looked at the parts and smiled, "Yea.....Yea they are!" He then try the parts on, "They fit!" Y/n then hugs Rodney, Rodney hugs back. Herb then calls the kids up to head over to the parade.

On their way to the parade Rodney's piece accidentally fell so Y/n helped, they finally arrived to the parade. Rodney sat on his dad's shoulder's as Y/n was on Herbs arms. Y/n sees a big balloon in the parade, "Who's that?"

"That, Y/n, is Bigweld. The greatest robot in the world." Rodney looks at his dad, "I thought you were the greatest robot in the world." Herb laughs, "No, besides me! He's the head of Bigweld Industries!
He invents things that makes everyone's life better!"

Y/n get excited, "Could we meet him?" Herb looks at Y/n, "Sure, maybe someday!" Rodney, "Dad?" Herb, "Yeah?" Rodney, "What do you do?" Herb, "Me? Oh, I work in a big fancy restaurant! I'm a dishwasher!" Rodney and Y/n looked in awe to see him in his job.

After the parade and a visit from Herb's job, the three went home, Y/n asked her parents if she could stay a little late, they agreed and the three of them decided to watch tv.

"And now, live from Robot City, it's The Bigweld Show!" Rodney and Y/n gets excited, "Waa hoooo! Oh yeah! Uh huh! Come on, Dad, you're missing it!" Rodney quickly grabbed his dad to the living room to sit with them.

"Alright, alright, Rodney, alright, I'm coming! I'm coming. I had to bring work home with me again, I'm sorry. Mr. Gunk has really been piling it up." Rodney sits at his dad's lap as Y/n lays down on the floor, "And now, the host of our show, BIIIIIIIIIIIIGWELD!"

"Welcome! This week, I thought you might like to take a look around Bigweld Industries. This here is the front gate. Kinda cute, ain't it?" He flies to Tim, "Good morning, Tim!"

Tim, "Good morning, Mr. Bigweld sir!" Bigweld, "Tim, who closed the front gate?" Tim, "Well, I just thought since, uh...." Bigweld, "Ooooh, we never shut the gate, Tim! Shutting this gate means shutting out fresh ideas!"

Bigwell shows robots with inventions, "You see, everyday robots come here from hither and yond, giving us new ideas! And I listen to every single one of them." One of the robots managed to fly off.

"So remember! Whether a bot is made of new parts, old parts or spare parts, you can shine no matter what you're made of!" Rodney smiles, "He's talking to us, dad!" Herb looking at the both of them, "He sure is."

Bigweld, "Okay, folks, let's get to inventing!"

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now