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{Y/n's Pov}

I can't believe that I was moving to RobotCity, I really wanted to let Rodney know that I'd loved him ever since we were little. But that isn't going to happen.....and I hope I will see him again.

We've finally arrived at the house we will live, "Here is it, our new house." my mom said. It wasn't small or big but comfortable, "Now let's find a school for you Y/n." said my dad as he tells the movers to get the boxes.

I went with my mom to find a high school near me, there wasn't any except one that is a bit far, but I can manage. We head inside and it was huge, I was pretty nervous about this new school.

We were greater by the head minister, "Ah this must be miss Y/n." My mom nodded her head, "Yes." The head minister looked at me and hands me my new schedule, map, and classes.

I grabbed the them and was quietly shaking that this is my new school, she looks at me, "You don't need to be so worried dear, soon you will like this school." I gently smiled, "I sure will."

A few days went by so fast and it was already the first day of high school, "Oh boy...." everyone in this school looks classy and smart, "Everyone sure looks great." I whispered to myself, then took out the time schedule for first period.

"Ok. First period doesn't start in......10 minutes." I then took out the classes I need to find, "Ok.......room 85." I looked to where it might be, "Hmm let me look at the map." I quickly looked at the map till, "You must be new here."

A young silver girl with green eyes, looks at me. I responded, "Yea....is it that obvious." I slowly chuckled. She then takes the paper of my hand to read my classes, "Hmm oh you have Mr. Nutbolts with me."

I slowly smiled, "I do?" She hands my schedule back, "Come on I can take you there." I smiled, "Thanks, I'm Y/n." I take out my hand, she happily excepts, "Cappy."

4 years later {Third person}

Rodney and Y/n has graduated from high school, Y/n and Cappy applied to work at Bigwell industry, as Rodney stays home with his family helping his dad with his job.

With Rodney

Rodney was taking some dirty dishes from the diner tables that needed to be cleaned, he walks into the kitchen to see his dad putting duck table on the side of him

{Rodney's Pov}

It wasn't fair at all, my dad wasn't responsible for all of this. It was mine and mine only, "hmmm I need to get a job....but where.....would I...." Wait.....I can go to RobotCity and get a job, that's means I'll...........see Y/n again.....

I decided to go to RobotCity and fine a job to help my dad get enough money to pay his boss back.

I didn't want my parents to worry, so I left them a note and head to the train station. I went to the ticket booth. Ticket Guy, "Road trip or one way?"

"One way." I then hear my mom, "*relief* There you are. I told you I'd find him! It's a mother's instinct." My dad, "Instinct? He left us a note! I'm leaving, I'll be at the train station!"

"Never mind. Pick up that suitcase, you're coming home right now." I responded, "No, Mom. I have to do this! I'm going to Robot City tonight! I'm gonna get a job, and I'm gonna help Dad pay back Mr. Gunk!"

"Talk to him." My dad tries to speak, "Uh, Ro-",
"ROBOT CITY?! You're just a kid!" I continue, "I'm never gonna be somebody here! I-I wanna be an inventor, I wanna meet Bigweld, I wanna BE somebody!"

"You are somebody." My mom grabs my suitcase, "Somebody who's not getting on that train!" I slowly argue, "Yes I AM." mom still not listening, "Talk to him!" My dad goes to the ticket booth, "One ticket for Robot City."

My mom in shock, "Where are you going?" Dad is holding on the ticket, "Not me, him." Mom gets sad, "But...." Dad then takes me aside, "Rodney, did you know that when I was your age, I wanted to be a musician?"

He continues, "I played pretty well, too! But...but my Dad was worried that I wouldn't be able to make a living, so I got re-fitted to be a dishwasher. Now, I'm not complaining! But, I've always said to myself "If I could do it over again, I would follow my dream." You've got greatness in you, Rodney. Never doubt it."

He hands me the ticket, "You go to Robot City, you go meet Bigweld and you show him your big ideas. And Rodney? Never, NEVER give up." Mom approaches me with my suitcase, I held her hands and gave her a hug.

Train guy, "All aboard! *crying*" I proceeded to let go, "Heh.....uurgh, Mom...." She lets go as I walk onto the train, the train slowly leaves, "I won't let you down, Dad. I'll make you proud!"

Before the door closed, all I could hear was, "I know you will."

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now