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I decided to walk towards her, "Hey...." she smiled, "Sup." I decided to sit next to her, "What are you thinking about?" She sighs, "It's my parents...I feel like they are keeping some sort of secret from me......."

I patted her back, "Maybe they didn't want you to think bad about them. I'm sure you'll find out someday." She looks at me and smiles, "Yea your right. So...Bigweld.....I'm sure the gang told you that he just left, as I thought he cares about bots within the need of parts."

"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a way to make things right. Besides, you'll help me right?" She nods no, "Sorry, but I have to work tomorrow...I won't be able to help." I slowly face to the window, "What job do you work at?"

"Bigweld industry." I nodded, then it hit me, "You were the one I saw as I landed at the tables." I immediately got embarrassed. She starts to giggle, "At first I didn't expect to see you like that. I always thought we would see each from the here."

My face heats up, "Oh geez, I feel like an idiot." She leans to me, "Don't be. You are the same Rodney I know." I smiled with my motor softly roaring, I started at her as she continues to smile at the window looking outside.

I want to be with you, I always adore you when we were little. When you left my heart was hurting...I couldn't believe that I wouldn't see you again, but when I went to RobotCity I finally thought this would be an opportunity to see you.

For as long I remember, I took a piece of the blueprint you wrote with "I love you" just by looking at it makes me smile, of how beautiful you were. Tell me Y/n, do you still love me......because.....

I can't stop loving you.......

"Rodney...." I stop my thoughts, "Yes." She gave me a soft smile, "Do you have feelings for anyone?" I almost feel out of my seat, "Uhh.......I..." she giggled, "I guess you do......" she looks down at the table, "There is......something I've been wanting to tell you."

My face slowly lights up, "What is it." She sighs, "When I worked at Bigweld industry, I thought I was gonna finally meet Bigweld so I can tell him of how amazing you were......but something happened, Bigweld wasn't going to come back so Ratchet took over."

She frowns, "I just.....couldn't believe it. I mean....if it wasn't going to happen, why did my parents move us." I hugged her, I responded, "Do you still want to work there? You can, I-"

"But I want to stay with you!" She then immediately gets flustered and looks away, I noticed that a can hear her motor softly roaring, "You can." she softly spoke. I gulped as I have her a kiss on the forehead, "As long as we are together......We'll find Bigweld and make things better."

I then hugged her, with my motor roaring softly and fast. I then let go as she gets up, "We should probably head to bed now, so you can help everyone out." I smiled, "Right... so umm see you in the morning."

I head to Fender's room as I looked at Y/n, "Good night." She smiled, "Good night." As I walked into the room Fender was sleeping on the tire swing bed, I then laid on the other tire taking a moment to myself and decided to grab a wrench from my arm what caught my eye is a photo of my parents,

I do miss them...I wonder if...they would like to see Y/n as my- NO No wait stop, what am I thinking...I don't think it will happen between me and her..., I stopped my thoughts and slowly fixed Wonderbot.

At the chopshop {Rachet Pov}

I happen to stay at the office at night to finish up on the plan, as mother and I try to think of a way to have Y/n join in. "We need to be able to get Y/n involve with our plan Rachet and I need you to figure out a way of how we can." I paced back and forth, "There needs to be some way of getting her....but what is it?" I smirk, "If there isn't a way to get her to involve, who says we can't scrap her caretakers." Mother then gave an evil chuckle, "That could work, but I think we need to break her more before we use her caretakers.

"Now then, I could simply call Y/n tomorrow morning to get to work early to tell her about a "private meeting in the matter" and once she comes to work I'll persuade her into getting involved with our plans." Mother than walks up to me, "Just remember that we don't need to rush her into it till it is necessary." she smirks and walks out of my office.

I stare out at the window taking a view over the city, Oh Y/n if only you weren't given away from us at a young age, we would've finished off what we are planning. Soon you will understand how better off you are with us, I just hope that you wouldn't fall for anyone who is trying to stop us. I am really glad that you are back right where you belong...In this city...with us......

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now