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Aunt Fanny, "Breakfast! This'll perk everyone up! Some of Aunt Fanny's fresh brewed grease!" Everyone got a cup of grease, as I head to the kitchen to take a quick snake for breakfast, "Yummo!"

Aunt Fanny, "Careful, it's hot!" Then poured it on themselves, Wonderbot takes a sip, "*hiccup*" I smiled and patted his little head. I was almost ready to leave them Piper asked, "Heading out so early?"

"Yes, I got a call from Ratchet saying that I need tend to a private meeting with him. But don't worry gang, hopefully I'll have a day off soon. Gotta go bye!" I left and quickly head to work.

As I head to work I noticed that, no one is here as early as I am, it was strange because usually there would be some people at this hour. I walked to Ratchet's office and noticed him standing by the window.

"You wanted to see me Ratchet." He turns to me, "Yes, Y/n." He gestured to take a seat, I sat down as he walks next to me, "So what is this important private meeting about?"

"This meeting is going to be about you." I get a bit confused, "Did I do something wrong?" He shakes his head, "Oh no no no, Y/n you absolutely did nothing wrong."

"Then...." he then spoke as he stands behind me, "This private meeting is just for the three of us?" I get scared, "Three....?" He then smirks showing me someone else approaching to me. "Welcome home Y/n."

I get up from my seat, "What?" She smiles, "Oh Y/n, don't tell me you forgot your own mother." I was in complete shock, "What....No my mother is at home... there is no way. You can't.."

"Oh but it is Y/n." Ratchet said behind me. I quickly turned around, he smirks at me as he stroke my face, "Which makes you, my little sister."

I take a few steps back, "No...that's not true!" He then takes a seat, "Listen Y/n, those "parents" who took take of you aren't your real parents."

"Your father took you away from us and gave you to them. I was destroyed and was looking for you for years. But I finally found you, and now....you're finally where you belong."

With Rodney earlier

I woke up to get something to eat, I see the gang pouring grease on themselves. Aunt Fanny gave me a cup, but I noticed that Y/n isn't here.

"Where's Y/n?" Crank spoke, "She left early. Said that Ratchet called for a private meeting." What! I mean I get that Y/n works over there and is doing her job, but a private meeting with Ratchet.....alone!

I turned away and kept wondering in my thought, what is this private meeting about? And what does Ratchet want with her, he technically is her boss. But what is he planning......

Maybe it is just a normal meeting, there is nothing going on. Yea! Exactly....unless... What if he is trying to seduce her, what if she falls for it, what if they get closer together, What If They-

"Rodney are you alright?" I got out of my thoughts and turn to see who said that, it was Aunt Fanny looking concerned, "Oh it's nothing I'm ok."

I then turned to the gang, "So what are you guys doing today?" Fender, "We're doing it."
Piper, "What about you?" I gave a concern look, "Mr. Bigweld's disappeared and you're just sitting here."

"I think that's already been established." I place the cup down, "Well I gotta find out what happened to him!" Crank, "Hey, you want my advice?" I smiled, "Sure!"

"Forget it. Never try, never fail. Those are the words I live by." I get a bit frustrated, "Crank, the idol of millions is gone and no one seems to care! There should be an angry mob out there! What th-" I looked at the window seeing an angry mob.

We all went outside to see the commotion as Fender gets a bit surprised, "Wow, that was great, psychic friend! Now say money should be falling from the sky! Say it! Sahahay it!" He clings onto me.

They were all surrounding Jack, "Sorry, folks! All sold out! Nothing but upgrades from here on in!" Many of the outmodes are most upset, "But I like myself just the way I am! Ooh!"

"We can't afford upgrades!"
"Let's get him!"
"Hey, hey, hey, hey what are you doing, don't throw me!"

They then noticed us, "Hey, isn't that's the guy that fixed Fender's neck?", "Yeah, that guy fixes bots!" Jack, "Yeah! That kid can help ya!" The mob the approaches to us,

Fender gets close to me, "Brace yourself. You're about to get very popular! Only those with insurance!...oh, I forgot. Everybody, come on!" One of them approached me, "Parts, man. I need parts!"

"You don't look that....*falls apart*...bad!"...... "Outmode 7 - Hey everybody! Spare parts!
*happy mob noises*" I stopped them, "Wait a minute, wait a minute! What's wrong with you robots?"

"You should all be ashamed of yourselves!" I gave Fender a concerned look, "Why do you have two noses?" He slightly chuckles, "One's for showin' one's for blowin'! Heh heh. Sorry."

"Could you look at my arm?" I shamed his hand but it held on tight, "Uh....nice grip."

"I can't get rid of this spare tire!"

Fender stops the crowd, "Back off, back off! He's got his own dreams that won't come true!" All the robots looked disappointed and started to leave, I caught a glimpse of Ratchet's truck.

I know what I need to do, "See a need, fill a need." I shouted, "Wait! Who wants to get fixed?"

You can shine no matter what you're made off [Rodney x reader]Where stories live. Discover now