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{Third person} ChopShop

Every robot was working their hardest smelting, crushing, and sorting the scraps. Madame Gasket appears looking satisfied at the work, "Aaaaa ha ha ha ha ha haa! Alright! Break time!"

The Chop workers stopped, "Huh?" Gasket smiles, "Alright, break time's over! Chop chop! Ha ha ha ha ha haaa! Ooh! Look who's here." Ratchet enters, "Hi Mom!"

"Hi, sweetie! How's my boy?" Ratchet smiles, "Great! I did just what you told me. No more spare parts! In a couple of weeks, all those broken down losers out there are gonna be nothing but scrap metal! You'll be up to your bloomers in broken outmode junk!"

"Such a good boy! And after you finish off Bigweld, there will be nobody out there to fix them!" Ratchet respond, "Exactly! You t....you wanna swing that one by me again?"

"Idiot! Those outmodes look up to him!" Suppose he decides to come back!" Ratchet, "Aw, come on, Mom, he's not gonna be any trouble where he is!" Gasket gets upset, "What are you afraid of? Grow some bolts! Or do you want to end up like your father?"

"Hey son. Good to see ya." Gasket face towards Ratchet, "The reason he is up there is because he gave away your sister. I've been trying to find her, I even gave her a program to specify the proper tools for creating blueprints. She was a special girl, till your father gave her away."

Ratchet was in complete shock, "I didn't even know I have a sister." She growls, "Exactly, but luckily I was able to track her down and forced her caretakers to move here to get her back."

Ratchet looks at the ground clenching his fists, Gasket smirks, "Now that I finally got her caretakers to move here, you will have to find out where she is and make her come back home so she will help us with our plan to stop Bigweld. Think what it would mean. Not Bigweld Industries, Ratchet Industries!"

Ratchet smiles, "Keep talking." Gasket picks him up, "Ratchet City!" Ratchet smirks, "Yes, everything....shiny....*laughter*" Gasket smirks also, "No more Bigweld, no more outmodes!"

Ratchet and Gasket were dancing for awhile thinking about their plan, "Are you hungry? Can I get you something? You look thin."

"No, no, no, Mom, I gotta go. Bye! Oh. Bye Pop." Ratchet's Dad, "So long, son! Good luck with your dastardly plans!" Ratchet waves good bye and leaves the building, "Now to find out where she is....."

{Y/n's Pov}

I looked everywhere hoping to find him, but no luck, hmmmm maybe it wasn't him.....I decided to walk home to get some rest, I noticed the gang hanging out by the alley.

"Hi guys." They smiled, "Hey Y/n." I noticed that Fender wasn't with them, "Where's Fender." Piper rolled her eyes, "He went off thinking he'll find better part far from where we are." I giggled, "Well hopefully he won't get into trouble."

Piper laughed, "I kinda doubt it." I waved goodbye to them and head home, I walked in and see Aunt Fanny in the kitchen. She noticed me, "Why you're home early." I sat down, "Well things happened at work and made me leave early."

She smiles, "Well did you see the others?" I nod, "Looking for parts as always." I sighed as Aunt Fanny noticed, "What's wrong honey?" I rub my neck, "Well.....I honestly thought I saw someone I knew when I was little. But I guess I was wrong."

I slowly frown, Aunt Fanny does the same, "Hey, cheer up now, I'm sure that you'll see him again. I just know it." I smiled and hugged her, "Thanks." She smiles, and suddenly realized, "Oh that reminds me, I have to go shopping for dinner."

"I'll do it Aunt Fanny, it'll be nice." She smiles, "Ok, I want you to be safe out there." I smiled as I exited, "Don't worry, I will."

With Rodney

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