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We carefully entered as it was pitched black, I then bumped into another door. I opened it revealing the worship, I was amazed, "Oh, wow! Look at this! This is Bigweld's actual workshop! I recognise it from his old TV show!"

Cappy quietly shushed me, "Could you keep it down? We're not supposed to be here." I get on this moving space pulling the lever lifting me to the chalk board, "Do you know what these are? These are Bigweld's original invention designs! That's his own writing!"

Cappy walks towards it, "This is strange. How come it just stops in the middle?" I quickly get backed down spotting the row of dominos.

"Look at this! Remember? H-he used to have these on his show?" Cappy sounded worried, "Uh, Rodney, I don't know how to tell you this, but-"

"Why are they so dusty?" I blew the dust of having the dominos fall. "Wait! Don't-" I backed out, "Oops!" Many dominos fall, but it's very long and different, "This is much more elaborate than the ones on the show."

Third person

One by one the dominos got bigger and bigger, the biggest one is now falling down where Rodney and Cappy were standing. Rodney and Cappy panics as they ran, "*screaming*"

It fell down causing a tsunami of dominos, "Rodney! What do we do?!" She asked in a panic. "I don't know! This is kindof a first for me!"

Bigweld appears in a big domino as a surf board, "Ya hoo! Yah!" Rodney spots him, "It's him!" Wonderbot swims next to him, "*dolphin noises*"

The wave of dominos slowly stopped as Bigweld do a trick and landed safe, "Woo woo woo woo! Brrbrbrbrrbrbrbr! Who's the king of the beach?"

Cappy asked concerned, "Are you alright?" Bigweld smiles, "Well, considering I'm an old fat guy who just crashed to the floor, I'm fantastic! Now who the heck are you?"

Rodney was a bit nervous, "I'm Rodney." Bigweld, "Oh. I thought you were the dominoes delivery boy. Come on, let's set 'em up again, only bigger!"

"Sir, i-is this what you've been working on? This is why no one sees you?" Bigweld gets a bit upset, "Ungh! Young man, nobody likes a chatterbox."

Rodney gets concerned, "But there's a terrible crisis, Mr. Bigweld! We need to talk!" Bigweld sighs, "Son, I gotta tell ya, you're making a lousy first impression."

Cappy steps in, "Please, sir, he is one of your biggest fan. So is my friend, Y/n. In fact, he's an inventor! Just like you!" Rodney was a bit nervous, "Well...."

Cappy smiles, "Show him that thing you made!" Bigweld gets a bit excited, "Ooh! A device? A doohickey? A thingamajig?"

Rodney speaks softly to Wonderbot, "Now don't be scared. Show Mr. Bigweld what you can do!" Wonderbot was getting nervous, "*scared noises*" Rodney gently push him, "Go on. It's okay."

Wonderbot slowly goes to Bigweld but gets extremely nervous, "*more scared noises*"

Bigweld is slightly confused, "Is, uh, that what it's supposed to do?" Wonderbot then falls, Rodney then picks him up, "It gets nervous under pressure, but-"

"Son, let me give you a good piece of advivce."

Rodney slowly smiles, "Yeah?" Bigweld loses his smile, "Give up." Rodney is shocked, "What? Are you telling me to quit?" Bigweld repeats, "I said give up. But quit works just as good."

"Is that what you did? Is that why you're sitting here letting Ratchet turn robots like my father and Y/n' parents into outmodes?" Bigweld is stacking the dominos while not looking, "Kid, sometimes you just gotta know when you're licked."

"But you're Bigweld! You can fix anything!" Bigweld sighs, "Hmm. I used to think so. To me, having the company was all about making life better. But Ratchet, it was money that came first. I became old-fashioned. An outmode."

He gets a bit angry, "Go home, kid. If he beat me, he's gonna beat you." Rodney was still in shock, "But-"

"The world you're looking for no longer exists! Ya missed it! Find some other foolish dream! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm very very...very.....er...busy."

Rodney has lost hope, "Yeah, I can see that." He turns to Cappy, "All we ever wanted was to grow up to be like him." They left Bigweld alone in his home as the two were outside,

Cappy felt her phone buzzed, "Huh?" Rodney noticed, "What's wrong?" She responded, "I got a message from Ratchet, but.... I never gave him my number." She opens the message and gasped is terror.

Rodney gets concerned, "What happened?" Cappy starts to tear up a bit as she shows Rodney the message. It reads, "I didn't expect you to help him escape, but I guess I didn't know you would do this. So....tell him that his loving Y/n is gone now."

Rodney was in complete shock, "No.... No... This can't be....Y/n is.....dead." He gets on his knees as he burst into tears, "If only.....I helped her on escaping the ball......she wouldn't....."

Cappy comforts Rodney as she is in tears for losing her best friend to that horrible robot. Rodney looks at Cappy then on the ground, "It's time I head back home...."

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