Promise, Lonely, Why

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Alone, silent, disappointed, betrayed and saddened, all those emotions had crumpled into a tightened mixture igniting a spark in her heart as she just sat there limping on the aged stained couch. The house itself was a colossal structure, there were many empty chambers and dusty floors. If she were to scream her lungs out her high-pitch crying would reverberate from the kitchen to the living room. Her neighbourhood was dark and gloomy, few people actually lived in, and most of them had gone to the city since it was weekend.

The clock showed it was already 7.24pm. Her long-awaited companions had not returned yet, and she wondered where and what the two had been into. They left her this early morning, assumed to be at 11am, and they left with a promise to return home later during the noon just to fetch her and take her for a small trip as she wished to. But again, here she was on the couch waiting, yet through the clicking of the clock itself and how lonely she felt she already knew the answer; a broken promise.

Usually she would say yes and nod her head in agreement if her companions ask her to go for a small trip in the morning but today it was different and she had to blame her piled homework which had to be submitted tomorrow. It was her holiday yet she felt like it was just another Monday. She didn't know why people hate Monday so much, but she could guess the answer straight away.

And here she was again, already finishing her homework and playing with her phone. She finished them earlier than she thought as she was eager waiting for her companions to return to take her. It was noon after all. She stole glances through the window every time there was a sound of a car coming yet only to be greeted by passing vehicles roaming along the small street. She would sigh and sway her feet listening to her favourite calming songs as she laid back against her seat and waited for another hour.

Yet this waiting game seemed to be unnecessarily stretched out. The noon had long faded and the moon was approaching yet she was still here waiting. Yes, she waited still. She didn't lose her hope yet because she was always dreaming to have this nice small trip to ease her pressured self. She admitted it that she owed herself a kind of reward after finishing those homework and other mandatory tasks. She had done chores too and now her body deserved some rest. But her heart could not stay still like this. She could not stand this kind of boredom. No, it wasn't even boredom. It was the feeling of being... betrayed and left out.

Where had her two companions gone to? Why didn't they return like they did promise? What took them so long? And lastly, then would that mean she didn't get to enjoy the most anticipated trip she deserved?

She really really really hates false alarms, and false hopes. She also hates those who give her false hopes that she would keep grudges and hatred against them. She hates being disappointed, she hates it when her dreams never come true. She hates to be played. She hates it so much.

And now, it was 7.35pm and neither of her companions did arrive. She already knew the answer, she had given up on the trip. She didn't wait for it no more. That if her companions did return, all she wants to do is to smear their face with the guilt they should have, and ask them,

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