If Their Words Stop You From Flying

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There was a day when a little girl approached her while sobbing. This little girl had been crying over and over again. And that was strange because this little girl did not behave like this before. And certainly this little girl had splashed a dull colour of mixed emotions ranging from concern to anger at the woman whom this little girl approached.

She kneeled down to pat the little girl's curled hair and gently asked her to stop crying. When the little girl did stop sobbing, the woman asked the pure innocent child what had happened. And the little girl's answer was merely confusing.

"I got an A for my class test. And I am the top one in my class," the girl answered. "But I am sad."

The woman frowned softly at the child's truthful answer.
"But you got an A. You should be excited about it," she remarked with a smile.

The little girl quickly shook her head as she tried to wipe her tears, hiccuping out her words.
"But my friends hate me because of that. They are angry at me when I score highest in class. And they like me if I score lowest. And I want to score lowest so that I can have friends but then my parents will get angry. I am scared because my friends hate me now. I don't want to get an A. I hate A," she once again cried.

Listening to this confession made by a little girl who had just merely entered her age of 8, it stabbed the woman's heart so deeply. She knew what the little girl had gone through. She knew what it felt like to win someone's heart and she knew what it felt like to be disapproved by the people around. And she did not want this pure little girl to go through those chaotic ruckus. This little girl here was so much pure and soft to deserve those bad bad piles of trash. This little girl here could soar up faster and higher but she had been stomped even before she could fly.

So the woman pulled the crying girl closer enclosing her to a warm tight embrace as she caressed and patted the girl's back, running her fingers through the soft strands the girl had.

"Listen, pure one. Those classmates of yours who hate you, they are not friends. They do not deserve to be called as friends at all. You should leave them behind. They are of no use to you. All you need to do is continue to get the grade A and be the top one in your class. Because the more they hate you the more successful you will be. Just remember this that one day when all of you grow up you will shine so bright while they will fall so lower and hit the ground with regret and guilt. What comes around goes around. You do not have to care about them. All you need to do is just to continue shining so bright that you will leave them behind. When you shine the brightest, those people will be blinded by your light until they cannot walk anymore and when that day comes, give a pat on your shoulder knowing that you have just done a good job."

Because the woman believes that... everything is worth waiting since,

If people keep on throwing rocks at you hoping that you will fall, you just have to continue flying over and over again. Because when it's time for their turn to be thrown rocks at, they will surely fall even with just a hit while you are already strong enough to endure those rocks since you have completely mastered the skills to brave through those rocks. So, just continue flying higher.

-to the bullied and the bullier-

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