Behind You

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Behind you... what is that?

That one thing there... It has been standing behind you all the time, yet you do not realise that.

But I do.

But again, what is that thing behind you..?

Hey hey, relax, do not turn around. You might not want to see it that quickly. You need to prepare yourself for whatever that will come to you.

It will scare you, startle you, block you, hurt you, or even, protect you.

Despite how intimidating it sounds like, you will be needing this 'thing' that stands behind you. Do you feel its cold breath whispering soft against your neck? What is it?

It consists of fear, emotions, darkness, memories, voices, evil whispers, flashbacks, goosebumps, enthusiasm; experiences. Again, what is that thing?

It is your past.

Yes, a past that has been standing behind you all time. Do you realise that? How you keep on moving forth leaving your past behind you? Do not worry, this is certainly the correct thing to do. You are on the right track. Do not give permission for the past to hunt you down. The closer you get to your past, it will grab your arm and lock you with its hidden keys, you cannot escape from its limbo at all. And that is everyone's worst nightmare.

That is why, all we need to do is to move forth. Come on, there are several doors waiting for you ahead. Choose one and accept your new world.

-you can do it-

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