Dandelion: Friends

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A single dandelion resembles a certain friendship,

A single dandelion petal resembles a friend,

A single gentle breeze of the wind resembles a change of time,

When the wind blows it is like a calling of time and petals of the dandelion depart,

The petals fly together with the wave of the breeze from time to time,

However, once the wind eventually paces slow the petals do the same,

One petal falls first while the rest continue to fly,

Then another petal falls like a feather landing on a new piece of land while the rest continue to fly away,

Again, another petal falls,

Followed by another petal,

Another petal,

Another petal,

And finally the last petal falls as the wind stops whistling; but where is the dandelion?

How sad it is, the story of the petals that start as close friends but being separated away by the blowing wind.

Is the wind evil?

Or has the time finally come for the petals to leave one another?

What about the dandelion then?

Well of course, each petal that has landed certainly will cause other dandelions to grow spreading out into a massive field.

See? Despite how the petals are compelled to break apart, the dandelion still grows bigger and everywhere.

And the same goes to friendship.

A tight bond of friendship will never vanish even if the friends are separated all across this vast world; because a true friendship will just never end.

-a definition of true friendship-

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