Mother: Confusion

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It is funny, how she is still confused even right now, how she is still confused even when she is writing this poem; it is funny how she knows this confusion will be less likely to end.

There are a lot of things she is confused about under the word 'Mother'.

So, mother;

She is confused if it is a true family when you instead acted like a stranger despite living under the same roof,

She is confused when she tried to love you again but you were still giving her hatred,

She is confused as to why the memories of her childhood that she spent with you were so beautiful yet now you changed a lot,

She is confused if she will be regarded as a rebellious bad daughter if each time she meets you all you both will do is to quarrel,

She is confused if whenever you texted her whether you actually cared for her or if you just wanted to trap her under that fake 'mother's love',

She is confused whether stealing own daughter's money is regarded as a normal motherly act,

She is confused if you actually loved her and was proud of her whenever you showed off her good exam results to people and relatives, or whether you just wanted to show to people how you had 'raised her well',

She is confused when you said you wanted to meet her again after leaving home like a stranger,

She is confused whenever you said you needed freedom so that was why you left home but you began playing love with other men,

She is confused whether you actually thought of her and her brother when you left or you never actually cared,

She is confused whether to consider herself as a motherless woman or just a woman with a complicated mother,

She is confused if she would ever love you again, or if she would continue to hate you forever,

She is confused with your whole being;

But, there is only one thing that she is certain of.

The day during the last major fight when you finally shouted at her with a devastating sentence that sounded like, "You have no period because you are fat!",

She is certain that you know that she has PCOS (a hormonal imbalance),

She is certain that you never actually love her. And she will never love you back.

-But. will she be considered as a bad daughter then?-

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