02 || New Student

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Caroline smiled at the girl that sat in the back seat looking at her with a smiling face. "I'm sure you'll love it here, all the kids are nice and perfect for someone just as special as you"

The girl in the back just showed a perfect white toothy smile. "I'm sure too" she told the blonde girl that had come back to Mystic Falls just to bring this girl she had met.

The blue-eyed girl was just sitting in a restaurant all dirty and with ripped clothes. When Caroline saw her chant a spell and sending a man flying back. She instantly knew she was a witch. Just like the kids in her and Alaric's school.

Caroline quickly compelled everyone who saw it and followed her. They talked and after mentioning the school the younger girl agreed.

And here she was entering the most secret and prestigious school of Magic in Mystic Falls, well the only magic school.

"So let me take you first to the office, then we can tour you around" Caroline says while guiding the girl to the office.

She looked around seeing every detail of the building. Watching as people walked by. She did feel a little uncomfortable though.

Once in the office, Alaric motioned for her to sit down and she shyly slumped into the chair while Alaric and Caroline explained to her the schools' policies and rules. Also, the fact that she was going to share a room and who was going to be her roommate.

"So as you know here in the Salvatore boarding school we like to include everyone and try to not make any new student feel like an outsider, and Ms. Forbes here tells me you haven't really told her your name and for that we accept if you don't feel comfortable but we do need it, and date of birth please?" he said and she pursed her lips.

Her blue eyes looked at them oddly making them remember the girl that passed away.

"I just turned 18, born on March 28, 2011, and my name is Serena" Alaric wrote the information down. Caroline looked at him and he looked at Serena who stopped talking.

"I need your last name Serena" he sends her a sweet smile. Even after the death of Sabrina he still had other kids to take care of so he always showed a smile.

She seemed to have gotten uneasy and shuffled on the chair fiddling with her fingers.

Both adults noticed this. "You don't need to tell us all about you, that's private we get it, but we do need to know your last name" Caroline said with a soft tone.

The blonde girl looked at them. "Serena Roth"


As Serena walked around the school she noticed how people were not as energetic as she expected in a school full of supernatural kids. She had pictured werewolves walking in packs. Vampires speeding around. And witches doing magic all the time. But everyone seemed down.

After being assigned a room she decided to take a walk around on her own. she had been given a tour, but now she just wanted to do it alone and see everything at her own pace.

The blonde girl wandered into the 'Stefan Salvatore memorial library' and saw the different objects along with a lot of books. It was a library after all.

From the corner of her eyes, she saw a knife that stood out. It was silver with a black and silver handle. It held a very deadly point she was sure that even if she gave it the softest touch she'd still get cut.

Walking over to look at it a bit better. Her head turned to the side and saw a picture frame with a girl. Curiously she read the silver plate.

"In honor of Sabrina Blackthorn"

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"In honor of Sabrina Blackthorn"

"Hi" she turned around a little startled by the voice. It was a boy with a curly Afro. "Hi?" she didn't know who it was.

MG smiled at her nervously as he wanted to give her a good welcoming. "I'm MG, a vampire, you must be new" he greets her.

She raised her eyebrows. "Serena, a witch and yes I'm new" there were a lot of witches in this school. It started to seem more like Hogwarts.

"Cool, I just wanted to welcome you and hope we could be friends" Serena looked at his hand as he took out for her to shake.

She wasn't much of a friend making person. "Thanks?"

"If you need anything just call me, literally I can hear you anywhere" he pointed to his vampire ears. Serena nodded not questions at that moment.

MG slowly started to back away. Serena looked back at the girls' picture. "Wait um...MG"

"Yeah" he was back in front of her. She let out a small laugh. "I know some of this stuff and who they were but I don't exactly know who was she?" Serena asked pointed to Sabrina's picture.

MG bit his lip not expecting that question. The subject of Sabrina still affected him. Just like the rest of his friends.

"That is Sabrina Blackthorn a witch who attended this school and the most badass girl that has ever existed" he explained to her.

"Why did she leave?"

Once again MG took a deep breath. "No, she um, she sacrificed herself for the school" it was true even though she was the threat, she did sacrifice herself for them.

Serena raised her eyebrows nodding. "Pretty brave" she told him making him nod. She saw how tensed he looked and how sad his eyes looked.

"I'm sorry" she pities him. MG smiled a little and waved her off. "It's fine I'm mean not that's she's dead but that she must be at peace and ok but uh yeah and I'm pretty sure she'd hate us for being sad for her, so how about I introduce you to some friends" he offered her.

Serena looked at the happy boy who even though held a big smile still seemed to have been through a lot.

"Sure" she agreed to go with him.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

New character! Serena Roth, hm who is she i cant tell(too cringy?) Well here is someone new to the story and i hope you liked this chapter. It was majorly a filler.

Not going to say much so I'll leave it up to you all.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Comment what you think!!

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