24 || Triads Back

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

It was terrifying for the kids who were asleep in their beds and have been rushed out of their beds as the older students tried to protect them from Triad who were attacking them. They had been attacked in a surprising manner and it was nerve-wracking for the Salvatore school members.

"Come on! Go to the library!" Sabrina instructs some kids as she helps them off the top beds of the bunk and ushers them out quickly. She had thought of going to check on Klaus but when she heard screams from the opposite hall she had to go and help.

There was a gunshot and as she jumped in fear her feet moved faster to the library. "Sabrina!" Pedro cried out for her as she saw the poor boy being held by one of the guards.

She did quick thinking and grabbed a nearby vase and crushed it over the man's head leaving him unconscious as she grabbed Pedro's hand tightly and keep running.

Her blonde hair moved from side to side because of how fast she had to go. Also looking back to see more guards running to them made her feel more nervous. She didn't have the magic anymore, if anything she couldn't defend the poor kids if it came to be.

All she could do was fight and she did not have training in physical fighting. She had relied on her magic defend herself, she didn't think that she'd be powerless in these situations. Sabrina had also stated to Alaric that she was not going to learn how to fight because she didn't need it. But of course, she didn't think that losing her powers would happen to her.

It has anyways never happened with anyone of her coven. None of them lost their powers. So she thought that they couldn't do so. But she was wrong wasn't she.

"Kids this way! This way!" she says to the small group she was now in charge. She was the only one older than 8 in there and her priority was to get to the library where she could close the doors and hope for Klaus or anyone else to come and get them.

Their feets softly hit the floor as they tried to hide in the room without being discovered. Once all of them inside, Sabrina closed the doors. She wasn't sure this would completely hide them, but it would give time to get another plan or someone to get to them.

"Does anyone know offensive magic?" she asked. To her bad luck. All kids shook their head 'no' and she sighed curing that the school really needed to start teaching kids a form of attack and not just defend themselves without hurting others which were necessary for some ocations.

"Can't you do the magic" even though most people knew, some forgot Sabrina didn't have magic anymore. They were used to her having, they missed that she doesn't have a part of her anymore.

"Pedro-" her sentence was cut when the door was banged. "Can you do barrier spells?" she quickly asks putting her hand over Pedro and pushing her behind her just like the rest of the 9 kids.

"We're still learning" she cursed again but didn't judge them. Even though it was an easy spell, some required more practice to be done correctly and strong enough to not be broken.

"Okay then...say behind me" she whispers pushing them all back and standing in front in a protective manner. They all jumped when the door hits three times.

Sabria's breathing speed up and she didn't know what to expect more than a bunch of guards who hunted down Supernaturals. Her heart was beating so fast she could practically feel it want to jump out her chest. Her eyes wandered around the room bouncing for another solution of escape.

The door bang open with about five men pointing guns at all of them ready to shoot if anyone moved. "Stay still" they yelled and the little kids started to scream. "Calm down kids, they can't shoot at us without a reason" Sabrina says to them clenching her left hand.

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