25 || Connect And Reveal

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

'Don't run from a fight'

Sabrina has very few memories from her childhood with her coven. Most of them are blurry making it even harder to remember anything that involved the Blackthorn family. Many people in the world barely knew their kind.

And very few would confront them.

Her shoes stomp on the wooden ground as she ran as fast as she could. She would turn left then turn right trying to get as far away from the other students to get them to safety by risking her own life. Her head ducked as a shot ran right by her head and she tried to pull her legs to go faster.

"Catch her!" but something was odd though. If she was human now, why did they keep running after her?

The blonde girl needs a breather and she slammed open the first door she could find and run into the room. Her breathing was so fast she needed to start to do training. She was not in the condition to run this much.

"Ugh seriously you?" she turned around at Josie's comment surprising her. It was weird to see the sweetest girl comment something in such a venomous way.

"Oh thank God, you girls are here" she sighed in relief. They needed to get rid of Triad and the trail she had and it was dangerous but since they could fight maybe this would end as quickly.

"Sadly you are too" Lizzie rolls her eyes and crosses her arms glancing at the other blonde. sabrina rolled her eyes at the sassy comment. "Okay listen you hate all you want later. But right now we need to save the people in here and you are all three powerful witches. So we need a plan asap" Sabrina informs them to which in a very creepy way they all roll their eyes back.

"We can't" Hope informs her.

Sabrina's eyebrows raise. "What? Why?"

"They neutralized out magic or magic in general. We still trying to find out how" the redhead answers.

Sabrina bit her lip now out of plans and it's not like she really has one. She usually is just pushed by impulse but she needed to think of one now.

The three other girls stare at her with a glare. "So got a plan?" Lizzie motions wanting to get herself out of here too. It was her birthday and the sun was starting to come up now.

"We can fight it out maybe?" she suggested.

"Against guns?" Hope snapped.

"You're Malivore bulletproof" Lizzie says to Hope who rolled her eyes.

"Yes, but i can't take a bullet for two at the time" she points to Lizzie, and Josie and Sabrina didn't want to feel hurt by that but she did. Hope did not have to take a bullet for Sabrina, not at all. That's the last thing she'd want for Hope to do. But it did hurt a little. She wasn't worth taking a bullet for. Her mind told her she probably never was worth it.

The door was pushed and Sabrina stumbled away from it as she was leaning on it and almost tripped but the girls caught her gaining her posture. "Okay stay behind me" Hope says getting in front and Sabrina stood aside but felt as a hand pushed her back too.

The wooden doors flew open and once again red laser point at them as Triad entered. "Peekaboo" the man says as he enters. "Take them!" Hope went to fight but right as she was going to she fell to the ground.

"Hope!" the other three girls yelled going to their friend. Sabrina turned Hope and checked her pulse and sighed in relief seeing it was still there beating.

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