07 || Friends?

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Serena helped the boys get ready as they were the ones that were going to take a nap while she helped Hope.

She put Darren's sleeping bag down. "You know I've never thought of going to sleep knowing I'll have to fight an Honory?" he said forgetting the name.

"Honoree and i never thought id actually fight one, well if you boys make out" he frowned at her. "Kidding you should...we hope" she winced.

Darren laughed at her. "I wonder what my worst nightmare is?" he asked himself. Serena turned to him throwing him a pillow. "I don't know but make sure to dream about me" she winked before turning.

Once the boys were down asleep Hope and Serena stood on opposite sides. "They sleep like baby's" she cooed. Hope rolled her eyes.

"Concentrate Serena" Hope snapped at her. She rolled her eyes. Hope and her were about to fight off whatever the Honoree looked like. Because Serena was sure it wouldn't look like a small bat.

After some time watching them Serena turned to Hope. "I'll go check on Dr. Saltzman" she said making the redhead nod.

She ran out and through the hallways. The blonde was running so fast that she didn't stop until she almost hit a big black-winged monster.

"Holy crap" she cursed. It turned to her and she took some steps back before turning and running back to the gym.

Sadly it caught up to her and threw at her and both jumped through the door.

She groaned now wishing she had either werewolf or vampire strength. "Found it!" Darren said then helped Serena up.

"Stay back guys i got this!" Hope said before jumping high and fighting the monster. But the Honoree grabbed her throat and started choking her.

"You're both witches do something!" Kaleb yelled at Serena and Darren. They looked at him, and Darren went to do something, but Alaric appeared on the door.

"Hope! Eyes!" he threw an arrow but the Honoree pushing aside with his wing. Serena looked at it and grabbed the arrow limping a little from the crash and threw it at Hope.

Hope caught it broke it in half and stabbed it I'm the eyes. Then the Honoree turned into dust and disappeared.

Serena got up and leaned on MG for support on her ankle. "Landon was right, sexy as hell" Kaleb said.

The five boys walked out with Hope on the front looking like a squad in the superhero movies. Serena stayed behind sitting on the benches.

"Are you not following the squad?" he asked her. Serena laughed shaking her head. "Nah i like my on spotlight" Alaric laughed at her.

"Let me see your ankle" he said and she winced when he grabbed it. "It's fractured...i think?" he diagnosed although he wasn't sure. She groaned again. "Yeah i did bust through the door" she laughed.

"That was brave by the way" the headmaster said. "What can i say I'm quite the Wonder Woman" she bragged. "Here let's get you to the nurses' office" Alaric said helping her up


"Finally i can go to sleep without having a nightmare" Serena smiled brightly as her wet hair splashed Darren as she spun around then winced at her ankle that was only a sprain. He looked at her worried but she shook him off and laughed at her.

The nurse said it wasn't bad only that she needed to put some ice and be careful. "Ok Wonder Woman" he teased her.

"Excuse me, did Dr. Saltzman tell you about it?" she put her hands on her hips. "Yeah" he laughed. They got to her room and Serena turned to him leaning on it.

"I have a question for you" he seemed surprised but nodded for her to ask. "What was your nightmare about?" she knew this might be a personal question and she noticed it was when his face turned serious. "You don't have to answer it if you feel uncomfortable"

"Nah its fine but i think its best if i keep it in for a little while" he said and she bit her lip nodding. "Ok then goodnight Darren" she said and got inside her room.

Inside the dorm, Hope was on her bed looking like she was sketching. She looked up and nodded at Serena. the blonde did the same and grabbed a magazine sitting on her bed.

It was quiet and Serena was getting tired of it. "Ok you have to tell me why do you hate me so much" she blurted out surprising Hope.

But Hope just sighed. "I don't...hate you" the Mikaelson girl said and confusing Serena. "Then why do you always glare at me and never talk to me?" Serena asked her and Hope put her book down.

"I guess that it's just weird to have someone in Sabrina's place made me uncomfortable" Serena saw her look down. Friendship seemed like a very important thing around here.

"Why?" Serena asked. Hope looked at her desk and got up grabbing the picture frame that had been taken on Christmas last year.

"This was last years Christmas Sabrina and i had been best friend since we were little, she knew my whole family and we all loved her like family, she was like my sister, and my dad and her kind of had a thing going on," Serena raise her eyebrows confused. "Yeah i know, she always had a crush on him and i guess her death affected all of us more then what it seemed it the rest of the students here, Dr. Saltzman's on the same page as us but he hides it better"

Serena then understood. "And you felt i was an intruder," Hope nodded. "Well i would never take someone's place here and she seemed cool, I'm sorry i didn't see that before and just assumed you hated me"

Hope nodded and put the picture back on its place. "Sorry i made you think that" Hope apologized. "So does that mean we're friends?" she smiled. "Sure" Hope agreed.

"Ok, good because i want some ice cream and its way past our curfew" Serena told Hope and she nodded and both girls sneaked out to the kitchen giggling.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Surprise they become friends. Did you like this chapter? Did you expect Serena and Hope to become friends? I hope you guys liked this chapter. Also, what did you think of Serena and Darren?

Sorry for any misspelling :)

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