03 || Hope's New Roommate

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Hope laughed a little with Landon as they walked down the hall hand in hand. They had just come from walking around by the lake and now they were going back to her room so they could spend a little more time together.

They had a free period so they thought it would be good to spend it together. The redhead continued to laugh as she opened the door to her dorm.

Her laugh dropped when she saw a blonde-haired girl looking like she was fixing her things or organizing.

Hope looked at the other side of her bed who had been untouched for a year and now was being picked up and decorated with other things.

"Who the hell are you?" now that came out very rude startling the girl who was peacefully organizing her new bedroom.

Serena turned around feeling quite offended by the greetings she had gotten. "Serena Roth, a witch I'm your new roommate" she stuck out her hand but Hope just looked at it while Landon also looked confused.

"Roommate?" this had to be wrong. "No you probably have the wrong room I don't have any roommates"

Serena looked at the door. "Nope this is my room, so you are Hope" she was trying to be nice and not start with the wrong foot.

Hope scoffed not believing Dr. Saltzman would assign her a roommate even though she said that she didn't want to share a room.

"Yes, I'm Hope but this was my best friend's side you can't take her side" Landon could see Hope getting upset.

Serena frowned confused. "But she's not here anymore"

Landon frowned too and thought that maybe she didn't know it was Sabrina who they were talking about.

"Sorry um but this was someone very special to us room" he tried to calm Hope down by grabbing her hand.

That's when Serena noticed the picture on the corner of the desk on Hope's side. It was the same blonde girl called Sabrina and her hugging it was seemed to be Christmas and one beside seemed to be a family picture where Sabrina was too.

"I'm guessing this was Sabrina's side" she pursed her lips. "Yes" Hope crossed her arms mad.

"Look I'm sorry for you guys loss, but Dr. Saltzman gave me this room and I'm not going anywhere" she was done trying to be nice but Hope was making it impossible and she needed to defend herself.

"Fine then let's see what he thinks when I talk to him about this" Hope huffed turning on her heels and stomping over to Alaric Saltzman's office.

Landon looked back at her. "Look welcome to the school but one word of advice doesn't mess with the people that were closest to Sabrina we are pretty sensitive about her" Landon quickly told her before running off to catch up with Hope who seemed to be very fast.

As Alaric sat in his room he jumped up started when Hope swung the door open entering with a death glare. Oh, he knew she had found out.

"How could you!"

"I'm sorry Hope but everyone here has to share a room with no exceptions or people will start to think it's unfair which it was for a year and now we need that side of your room as much as it hurts me" he was quick to talk.

Hope gave him pleading eyes. She was better off alone in that room o t lest share with Lizzie and Josie or even better Landon but that would never happen.

"No Hope I'm sorry"

Hope huffed sitting down. Landon our of breath sat down beside her. "I can't believe it's been a year without her" Hope said and Landon grabbed her hand in comfort.

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