05 || Dreams Or Nightmares?

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-Serena's P.O.V-

The Salvatore school was ok. I mean people here some were nice and others were too annoying. I mean Darren was nice and i had to say he was cute. that boy MG was pretty kind too, and that girl Josie too. But the others still seemed tense.

Hope, well she was being very bitchy now i don't want to be rude but glaring and ignoring me was not the nicest thing a roommate should do. I get it, this was someone important they lost but they're gone.

I sat in my bed passing through a magazine when the door opens and Hope walks in. To be honest we haven't talked since the first day i arrived here and that was about one month ago.

I had been told she wasn't an open person beside her friends. But I couldn't blame her on that either I wasn't one myself. So every time it was us in the room it would be quite one drop would be heard.

It was early it was already 10 but it was our curfew so by now we all had to be asleep. But I couldn't because I wasn't tired.

Hope got into her bed and lay down turning off the light of her side. I, on the other hand, stayed awake.


I was walking in the middle of a black hallway and it was all dark and quiet not a single soul around. "Hello" i called out and nobody answers.

The walls were wood and there were no windows and nothing else but just long very long wooden walls. I had to squint my eyes in order to see through the darkness.

Suddenly I sneezed smelling some smoke. Confused as to where it was coming for I turned around and saw a big fire running down the halls all the way to me.

I screamed and quickly started running the other way but it seemed to be endless. I stopped dead in my tracks when a lady appeared in a black dress. "You know what I want" I frowned confused.

The fire was not gone through so I didn't know if I should risk it or run past her. "You know, bring it to me!" she pointed at me and this made me even more confused as I didn't know anything that she could've wanted.

"Get out!" I yelled and pushed her with magic but the fire was close and Hisssed when it burned my leg a little.

End of dream

I gasped awakening to see it was already time for school, looking around Hope had already been gone.

I have no idea what that dream was but heck did it make me shiver. Getting off the bed I got ready not seeing why to hurry up more if I was now late.

I changed into the uniform and then walked out to the classroom.


I frowned looking around as there weren't as many people as yesterday. Sitting on my seat for my exams i yawned.

"You look tired" said Darren who say beside me. I nodded. "Yeah, could barely sleep last night from a nightmare" i explained to him.

I would.consider Darren of one of my closest friends. "Me too, don't you think that's weird" he frowned and i shook my head.

"Not really, well not to me, i have one every night" i said and particularly it involves fire. I just hate those orange and red flames.

He gave me a reassuring smile. "What happened to your leg?" he asked. And i frowned then looked down at it to see an about four-centimeter long burnt it seemed to be scared.

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