18 || Three Rules

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

One of the few things Sabrina remembers from her childhood with her coven was that they should never let anybody see their weak side. Their vulnerable and emotional side. It was a fact and rule and anyways it wasn't like they had anything to be vulnerable about. There were many things they were taught and that was one of the top three.

Number one: Never love

Number two: Never let anyone see you weak side

Number three: Never feel guilty when you take what you want

Those were the main rules of the Blackthorn coven. And Sabrina broke all of them. She did love, she let her weak side show and she felt guilty for many things. They wouldn't be proud of her but it's not like she was around them much to care at all. She was four and taken away.

Maybe if her family hadn't died in that fire she would've probably learned to stick the rules, but no. She had to survive and break them all.

She would like to blame someone for changing her and making her feel how she felt, but she couldn't. She couldn't find someone to blame because there wasn't anybody to blame.

Or maybe there is and it was herself she should blame for it. But she didn't know if she should feel good about it or angry for letting it happen.

There were so many things she didn't know, so many she wanted to know and finally answer why was she the way she is. Why wasn't she born a good witch who could do earth magic with no trouble in the world and heal things? Why was she born a dark witch with who didn't any good and broke things to the point she hated to admit but feel satisfied by? And why after she was brought back by who or how is still a mystery, why didn't she have any magic and was now able to do good things but still feel like she was missing half herself.

So many thoughts ran through her head she had a headache about it. Running and spinning she practically had to hold her head up with the struggle.

Her piercing blue eyes reflected on the mirror as she stares back at herself. She did see her blue color eyes were lighter then the blue they hold before. They weren't like the deep sea anymore but like a clear sky. To that, she didn't know if it was good or bad.

Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail and she smiled seeing that her hair hadn't changed but had gotten a little longer somehow. The girl raised her eyebrows and bit her bottom lip softly and wondered if it was still there. so she took of the robe that Hayley had given her and turned around her strapless shirt letting her black butterfly show.

Her lips curved up into a small smile glad to see it, her mind had forgotten about and she smiled remembering the meaning of it. "At least this is still the same" she whispered to herself.

"What's still the same?" her body jumped and she turned to the door where Klaus stood with raised eyebrows.

"W-what? Nothing-nope-nada" she panicked speaking the last word in Spanish making him chuckle.

"Are we speaking to the reflection on the mirror?" he asked her as he put some clothes on the sinks table and stood beside her with a slight teasing grin.


"Then who were you talking to?" he asked her wanting to tease her to see if he got a smile out of her. Which these days seemed like something impossible. He used to see her perfect smile all the time when they were together. But now it was like a puzzle that he couldn't find the right pieces to connect and make her smile once again.

"No one"

"So you're speaking to yourself?"

"Okay Klaus, if you're insinuating I've gone crazy, you are so very wrong because if anything i was just thinking out loud" she nodded at him letting out a small smile that he longed to see.

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