19 || Everything Is For A Reason

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-3rd person's P.OV-

On some weekends the students of the Salvatore school are allowed to head out and see their family or do whatever they want that's not causing trouble or exposing themselves to the world. Those are the favorite weekends the Stallions love and just try to not follow the rules even though they're told to.

So today Hope Mikaelson headed where her family was and had a bright smile on her as she came along with her best friend Serena Roth.

The red-head and blonde laughed as they walked inside the mansion their voices echoing through the walls announcing their arrival to her family.

Hayley Marshall smiled at her hugging her tightly as they greeted each other. "Hey mom" Hope said excitedly happy to have her best friend finally meet her family.

"Hi, sweetie" Hayley said and tightly embracing her, then pulled away spotting the blonde there with a bright smile. "Hi, um you must be one of Hope's friends, nice to meet you" the hybrid mother said and Serena shook the mother's hand.

"Serena" for some reason Hayley felt like frowning when they shook hands and discreetly let go.

Hope did notice but shrugged. "Mom, can Serena stay for the day?" Hope already knew she could have friends over, but she still had to ask just in case.

Hayley nodded her head turning to her daughter. "Yeah, sure" she smiled.


As Hope and Serena laughed in the living room Rebekah walked in. "Girls time for dinner" the Mikaelson original told them. "Okay, coming" Hope answered to her and they both ran into the dining room sitting beside each other on the table where the rest of them were.

Sabrina Blackthorn walked down the stairs as she came along with Klaus, their hands locked together. The couple waltz inside and the moment the three teenage girls spot each other the tension in the room grew up to a thousand and it was like suffocation of seconds.

"Oh" the three said at the same time. Sabrina looked down and away from them while Hope crossed her arms and roll her eyes. Serena glared at the other blonde and the look could burn you. If looks could burn.

"Who the hell invited her?" Hope spat surprising the whole family and Sabrina just gulped feeling intimidated and stepping behind Klaus. Embarrassed for feeling so small by just a comment.

"Hope, language!" Hayley scolded amusement evident on her face. The glare that both girls held against Sabrina made some wonder what was really going on.

"But mom, why is she here?" the tribrid asked her mother angrily and Serena just sat there glaring too. "Hope stop, what is this about?" Klaus asked his daughter not letting go of Sabrina's hand who held his tightly.

"Nothing! I just don't want her here" Hope snapped back at him. "Enough!" Klaus said. "Let's sit down and have a nice dinner" Hayley instructed in a demanding manner making Hope close her mouth seeing there was no other say.

Sabrina sat beside Klaus as he sat on one head and Hope sat on the other side of him, in front of Sabrina. Her blue eyes looked at the table and gave a small sad smile to the members on the table.

Maids hand plates around and food for the family and one guest as they dig in. Sabrina wasn't comfortable with the two girls, but mainly with Serena. It was her who made it impossible for her to be at school.

The table was quiet, but there was still conversation. "So girls, how's the magic classes going?" Freya asked them. "Great actually, it's pretty easy" Serena was confident and was not shy around them even though she just met them. Just like how Sabrina used to be.

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