04 || Darren Meets Serena

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

"This will be a good year, it has to be that's what Sabrina would've wanted for us" Lizzie said to Josie as they walked down the hallways.

"How do you know what is what Sabrina would've wanted?" Josie asked holding her bag and books.

"Because it's Sabrina we're talking about and even though it truly hurts me shes gone," she really meant that it hurt her. She cried for just as much as the others. "We need to make it good"

Josie sighed not knowing what her sister meant. "What are you thinking about?" asked the brunette.

"What else Jo, I'm gonna find a cute guy and if he asks me out I'll say yes, this year will be the yes for anything" she looked happy and smiling and truly hopeful.

Josie looked at her and nodded. "Ok...if you say so" just at that moment MG stopped in front of them.

He looked smiley and excited just like Lizzie. "MG hey" Josie smiled at him holding onto her backpack.

"Hey twins I'll like to present you to Serena Roth a witch and new" he said and Serena stepped beside him. At that moment Lizzie and Josie frowned they didn't know there would be a new student and they knew when new people arrived.

"Really we didn't see you i the list of new arrivals" Lizzie said bluntly. "What she means is we didn't know you were coming, my dad usually tells us" Josie tried smoothing her sisters' question. Serena nodded. "It's alright I'm just a last-minute arrival" she nodded which she was. It wasn't two days ago did she meet Ms. Forbes.

Serena nodded seeing both girl and then MG she was analyzing them. She didn't trust much so she needed to know people better.

"Ok, now Serena let me show you another student he's also new, come on" the vampire boy said pulling her along.

Once they left both twins looked at each other. "Did you see her face, she looks like someone" Lizzie pointed out. "Kinda maybe mom, or you" Josie said and the blonde girl rolled her eyes. "Hey! Just because I'm blonde doesn't mean every blonde girl is me" she said before walking away.


It was no surprise the boy would join the school after coming over to the funeral. His mother thought that maybe it would be better he attended a school for people with gifts than an ordinary school.

So the boy with red hair named Darren walked down the hallways not really talking to many. He was new and not many new kids make fast friends.

But one that was friendly for his kind. MG. He was a great friend that talked to him and Kaleb although the other vampire didn't seem very fond of him.

"Darren" MG greeted him about to enter the Magic's class. "Hey man" they did a bro's shake. Serena stood there aside confused. "How have you been? glad to know we have math together" MG laughed. The boy nodded. "Good and yeah I'll have someone to talk to at least" Darren told him.

Serena cleared her throat to make both boys notice her. "Oh right, Darren this is Serena Roth a witch and new" he didn't really know anything else about her to introduce her to people. Anyways that was her to do not him.

Serena smiled shaking Darren's hand. He felt her soft hand mold him and that's when his green eyes met her blue ones.

piercing blue eyes.

He couldn't help but feel a small shock but it wasn't for seeing her but when their hands met it felt weird.

Serena quickly pulled her hand away. "Nice to meet you" Darren told her. "Same" she said and just at that moment, the bell rang.

"I gotta go to class" he said and she nodded. "Yeah, I've got science" she said and Darren raised his eyebrows "Me too, here let's walk over together" he offered her and she agreed.


It was no surprise people would especially Jed would start teasing the new girl. So when they had been partnered up for the class it was no surprise to anybody.

"So tell me what's your name?" he asked her and she sighed. "Serena" she simply said not looking up from the science assignment.

He smirked. "You're witch arent you?" already annoyed the girl nodded. "So that means that you can make a spell for us to get out of here" she has only been here one day and he is asking her out.

She turned to him looked him up and down and shook her head. "No thanks, i don't go out with jerks like you" she sarcastically smiled, making Jed growl.

"Well, you lose it you h-"

Before he could finish his mouth was sealed shut. "Finish that sentence man, i dare you" Darren said from the table beside them glaring at Jed who they did not get along at all.

The werewolf growled at him. "Sorry, what was that?" Darren mocked him and Serena hold in a laugh. Darren chuckled and with a spell switched places with him now Darren sitting where he was and Jed where Darren was.

He moved his hand and the spell had waved off unsealing Jed's mouth. "Idiot" muttered Jed and Darren smirked. Serena looked at him.

"You know i could've handled myself" she said ad he shrugged. "I hate seeing a guy disrespect a girl" he told her. Serena rolled her eyes and looked down at her notebook continuing on her work.

"If you think this is supposed to be a way of me being impressed then let me tell you, its gonna have to be a lot more then just sealing his mouth shut" she never looked away from the paper and Darren looked at her serious look and sarcastic smile.

It was like when Sabrina burned the movie screen.

"How about we get an A in this" he suggested. "Maybe then I'll think about it" her lips crooked into aside. Darren looked down at her nodding.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Sorry for the late update but i had no WiFi home and couldn't write. But here is the next chapter and it was for me to introduce Darren and Serena. And was it a surprise Darren had joined the Salvatore school. Cause i was like why not.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Comment what you think!

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