06 || Honoree

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

All the students seemed like zombies walking around. But most of the school had evacuated not wanting to fight against this monster that has come.

And heck were they all falling asleep if it wasn't for the witches herbs tea. They'd all be on the floor sleeping not caring if it was the ground.

Serena wasn't one to run from a fight. She liked to go against it and not run and hide. And even though she has never been up against a monster. She was ready to do it.

"You decided to stay cool" said MG to the girl who was sitting on a couch in the library reading a magazine. She didn't like books but liked magazines.

The only books she read were her grimoire and it was only because she was a witch and that it.

"Yeah, i don't see why run when it can be fun to stay and kick some Nighthag ass" she laughed making MG laughed along with her.

Kaleb then came and sat beside MG. Serena thought that Kaleb was an annoying guy. Thinking vampires were the superior and best species in school.

She hated it.

Seeing as they were already there they decided to study. Kaleb kept reading with his vampire speed making the blonde girl feel annoyed by the flashing of pages.

"Could you quite that!" she hissed at him. Kaleb looked at her raising his hands up.in surrender. "Sorry blondie" she scoffed at his nickname.

"Call me that again and ill rip off those braids" she fake smiled at him making him grab his braids.

Serena looked back at her magazine until she saw MG had fallen asleep. "Hey, MG" she said but he wouldn't wake up. Kaleb being Kaleb slammed a book shut making his friend jump awake.

"Yo, what is this? You cant say these things about big D, my man, ok like the guy, you cant" Kaleb ranted reading his notes.

"Is that my presentation?" MG asked confused. "Dude just because you need a dry out does not mean you can take down the entire vampire canon-"

"I wouldn't mind" shrugged Serena not looking up from her magazine. She wasn't studying because there was a monster around. And she didn't feel like it.

"Just because vampires have been like this for the last century doesn't mean we have to stay that way" now this made Serena looked up.

"What are you? MG, what-" Kaleb was confused. He looked at Serena she scoffed and got up. No way she was just staying with him.

"Don't look at me, I'm not a vampire" she says before turning and walking out. She had to go to class or go to her room.

She didn't know shell decide along the way.


It was just 3:00 pm and the sun was still up meaning night was still far making the students relax a bit about it.

"What the heck are you doing?" Serena asked Landon who was with more than five books on a table and going through all of them at the same time.

"Nothing just searching more about this "Nighthag" thing" Landon explained and Serena looked at him confused. "Dr. Saltzman said it was a monster that only attacked you in your dreams" Serena looked puzzled about it.

"Yeah but i don't know, i just i feel like i need to help somehow" he looked through the books. Serena sighed and grabbed her hair and tied it up in a ponytail.

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