27 || There Can Only Be One Dark Witch

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Sabrina Blackthorn has been known as the girl you should never mess with. The girl with a sharp tongue that no matter what you tell her, she'll hit you even harder with words. She could throw anything at you and make you cry.

But nobody has ever seen her throw a punch. Never.

So fighting her cousin Serena Blackthorn was her first fist fight. Mainly because she didn't have any magic to fight back with. It was truly suspenseful and interesting to see them fight. But luckily there was no one to do so.

She was glad there wasn't, because she was not having any luck in winning at the moment. "Aw did Sabrina get a little booboo?" Serena teased her as she watched the other blonde on the floor holding her arm. It wasn't a bad wound. but it stung.

"Actually I've had worse. I guess you don't have what it takes to make me feel real pain" she fires back making Serena scowl at that and grab the nearest decoration design and throw it at her. Immediately Sabrina ducked.

She should've taken those fighting classes when Hope and Alaric offered her and preferred to just watch. She didn't think it'd be necessary, she had magic to fight with. Guess she didn't see this one coming.

"Missed me!" she taunted the dark witch and having enough she raised her hand and threw Sabrina again back against the wall. All air came out of her and she tried to gasp for some.

"What was that?" smirked Serena watching the other girl pry for air. She liked seeing her like this. It's what she and the rest of her coven had been wishing to see for ages. Ever since that fire.

"You know, Serena" she stood back up getting a hold of her back and cracking it satisfactorily. "There's something i dint get"

The blue eyes of who you could call the villain glance at her with raised eyebrows. It wouldn't be fun if she instantly killed her. But more fun to play with her first and then do so. "And what might that be?"

"That why out of any other powerful witch to fight me, they brought you? My wild guess is that, you're worth losing than anyone else. Which makes you less important" dark witches hate being told that they are less.

Sabrina hated it when Penelope and Jed would tell her that. So did the rest of her coven.

Serena clenched her hands and ran at Sabrina with a scream surrounding the walls making Sabrina do the same and they ran at each other.

It's very funny because most girls in a physical fight the first they grab is the hair. It's the easiest and painful thing to grab.

Sabrina was not backing down and would try to do anything to get Serena away from those she cared for.

But Serena knew many things of Sabrina. Many she learned in these months of being blended as Serena Roth.

Sabrina has become human and she was more vulnerable. Dark witches aren't but living with these people around so much good and then losing her magic taking away what would make her bad made her very vulnerable.

So she knew what strings to pull if she would be losing in this fight.

Sabrina kicked Serena's abdomen and got her off her hair. She pushed her to the ground.

The dark witch with magic quickly regained her balance and her air and punched Sabrina on the face.

"I thought this would be more exciting. But I feel like I'm fighting a grandma!" Sabrina says punching her back twice.

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