28 || Honesty Has Its Good & Bad Sides

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

Her hand gripped the knife before sticking it out of her cousin's chest watching her body lay there on the floor and the pool of blood almost reach her feet. Sabrina took a step back to avoid it and sighed. Did she feel guilty? Yes, she just killed her own cousin.

But the satisfaction of knowing she will no longer be able to hurt anyone else was bigger. Thinking that maybe at some point she could've tried helping her become someone better than who they were meant to be. That being something that she could only dream of and never see become true.

Sabrina may be someone who learned how to manage to feel good. She knew that having her magic back would cause her to go dark again but now she was in control. She felt in control. Her human self wasn't herself either. Sabrina wasn't good but she wasn't all bad. She made mistakes, many that drove grudges inside other people towards her.

But who doesn't make mistakes?

Her blue eyes washed over her friends and even if she wanted to have time to speak with them, she knew that Serena's magic will soon fade away. A Dark witch's magic can last for as long as it wants or needs to last even if the witch is dead. But Sabrina couldn't let them be asleep on the ground forever.

But out of them, all the first she wanted awake was Klaus.

So, she moves her wrist and the Hybrid man gasped back awake sitting up and looking around for the girl he was sure going to attack. He was pissed off at her and would not have mercy on her. Sabrina stopped him and calmed him down.

"Klaus! Klaus, it's okay. I'm fine" she calls him looking up at his blue eyes and laying her hand down on his cheek. Her lips turned into a grin seeing he would really kill off the girl for her.

His facial features turned into a puzzled look. "How?" he asked.

Sabrina moved a little to the side and motioned to the blonde on the floor. "I killed her" she whispers her voice coming out strong and proud, yet with a hint of sadness in it.

Klaus Mikaelson looked down at her amused she did it herself. She didn't have magic so it surprised him. "How'd you kill her?" he asked her and Sabrina raised the knife that still had blood in it and the reflection of the knife was very clear in her eyes.

Blue eyes that had their spark of evil back in and a lighter tone that she had gained being human.

"I got my magic back too. Back at being a Dark Witch" she nervously laughs and Klaus doesn't know if she's happy about it or not. He knew she loved having magic because it made her different from everybody else, yet still she looked very happy with being good.

"How do you feel, love?" he questioned her grabbing both sides of her face and creasing her cheek making her smile. "Little odd. I mean I've got that dark feeling inside me, but now I have It more under control. Like it's me holding the wheel this time, not being manipulated by it" her teeth bite down her bottom lip as he pulled up her chin again.

"I'm glad to have the real you back" he whispers to her and pulls her in for a loving passionate kiss that she can once again feel that burning feeling inside her intensify just like before. Having no magic didn't also just change her physical or personality. It also changed her love in some way. She felt love towards Klaus yes but it seemed more simple. Now it felt like it was back to that uncontrollable burning they held towards each other.

His hands gripped her waist as she giggled stopping the kiss. "I've got to wake them up" she says foreheads against each other. Klaus nodded and without letting her go turned to them as she waved her hand letting them open their eyes.

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