26 || Let The Truth Come Out

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

"You're wrong. She wouldn't do that?" Darren with his sad eyes looked down at Sabrina who raised her hand and touched his arm in a comforting way. "She would. and she did" but Sabrina's hatred towards the other blonde was something she could stop herself to make her voice leak with anger.

"Serena is our friend, maybe she got captured or something-" Lizzie did not want to believe that a friend would betray them like that.

"No, she's not. It's obvious, she hates me and the knife is gone. We need to find her and..." Sabrina's sentence stopped mid-way when she heard clapping from the halls. It was a horrible moment of suspense as they waited for that sound to stop and reveal themselves.

The little kids squished each other even more in fear standing behind the adults.

The Blackthorn girl piercing blue eyes were met with one that reflected her own. The same color, the same cold feeling she once held. "Oh finally! Ugh, i was starting to get sick of everybody in here" Serena Roth spoke her mind as she stood confidently in front of everyone covering the front door.

Everyone had a skeptical face as they looked at the girl who spoke with such evilness. "Serena" Sabrina breathed out feeling the energy of anger watch over her as she offended her friends.

"Hey cous" her lips curved into a smirk as looks around her made her think their eyes would ball out of their skulls. She was waiting for this moment for so long that it was so boring for her already to be acting nice with people she didn't even like. To finally be able to reveal who she really was a relief for her.

"Cous? As in cousin?" Josie asked Sabrina who let out a sigh feeling ashamed of not being able to remember this sooner.

"Oh yeah let me introduce myself again. I'm Serena Blackthorn, part of the Blackthorn coven which means I'm a dark witch" her smile was chilling to some. Her voice was so sarcastic and mischievous holding the heartless feeling of the coven she and Sabrina were from.

Everybody took a step back but Sabrina as she looked at her up and down with disgust and not amused. She wasn't scared anymore and she was not taking a step back in her life back again. Not when fighting.

"You guys get everybody out of here" Sabrina instructed to which they did as told immediately going to another way.

"We're not going anywhere" Klaus told her as she watched them nod in agreement stating to her that they weren't leaving her to do this alone. Surprisingly the super squad as they were called stayed too. Yet they looked very puzzled about what was going on.

"It's too dangerous-" she was once again cut mid-sentence.

"Let them stay. I'm sure you'll need someone to help you and carry your body again after i end you" the room had started to feel the tension inside and a shivering feeling. It was like the walls had gone a darker color and a storm was coming.

"Serena come on you're not like this" Darren said walking towards her like he still was on her side and wanting to believe that she was still the sweet girl he fell for. She rolled her eyes irritated and stuck him to the ground with a wave of her hand. Just like when Sabrina did magic the lights flicker completely confirming how her magic worked.

"Let him go" Sabrina spat at her. "In fact let them all go, break the spell you've got on everybody" she was done with all of her friends being controlled because she knows this all had to be a spell.

Serena giggled as she crossed her arm. "What spell?"

The shorter Blackthorn girl glared at her. "The spell you've got on them. Don't play dumb!" she wanted them safe even if they were mean to her they didn't deserve to be controlled.

"I'm serious. What spell?" she asked again like she didn't know what Sabrina was demanding and it made them frown in response. "The spell you put on them to make them hate me! Take it off them right now!" demanded Sabrina glaring at her just as strong as Serena's.

"Oh that's real," Sabrina blinked back confused. "Well of course you don't know it, they don't show our magic in here. Well, that's just a spell to show their hatred they already felt towards you. I mean i did spike it a little for it to be more fun and it did work. You crying was like a whole movie for me" she laughed in her face like it was the funniest thing ever.

But all Sabrina could think of was what she said. She knew she had seen something like that but was never taught about it because they did not teach her black magic as they did with earth magic. In fact, there wasn't even a class about it. No teacher could teach something without a risk. Nor did they want to teach her something that could make her more dangerous.

"All of what they felt, what they said was real. Deep down buried in they always hated you for something but i made it come out, i showed their true colors. Every single word they spoke about you was what they always wanted to say but because they didn't want to hurt you they buried in deep. It was a small feeling actually, but it wasn't enough so i made it stronger. So Sabrina i didn't do anything to control them, it was all their own doing"

A sorrowful feeling crept up to her heart and she gulped holding back any tears of hearing that her friends actually had a hatred for her inside. They simply hid it from her. For eight years she has made them feel hate towards her, be whatever size it was still there. And she never knew how far she could have pushed them to lead them to that.

She truly wasn't a good friend.

"With that said," she waved her hand and the teenagers drop to the floor. "Let them sleep, i don't need any obstacles for this"

"For what?-" Sabrina was swung back, flying in the air and hitting the wall and then the table breaking the picture frame with her in it.

"For that" Serena smirked as her eyes changed to complete blackness and making her eyes sight black and white. Just like a dark witch, like a Blackthorn.

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

AHHHHHHHHHHH FINALLY!!! Ugh, I've been holding this in since well the start of the series! It took me so long but finally, this fight has come and the truth has come out. Serena Roth I mean Serena Blackthorn is finally showing her true colors and everyone in the school is shook, but Sabrina.

I can't believe that everything they did to Sabrina was kinda true and true feelings. Only that because they were friends did they not notice that deep feeling inside. Sabrina can't help but feel worse about it and angry too.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

Remember to stay safe <3

Follow me on my Instagram: whorv06.wp

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