30 || I'm Sabrina

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.

Sabrina hit the door making her groan in response and hold her forehead. "Sorry" Hope apologized wincing seeing she forgot to tell Sabrina to stop walking before she collapsed with the wooden door.

The blonde turned to her best friend because yes they were still working things out, Hope Mikaelson was still her best friend. She will always be. But she hasn't told her that yet. "Hope Andrea one more hit on my face and I'll make sure to return the favor" she snaps arms crossed yet put the back out just in case something would hit her again.

Hope muffled a laugh although considered that would happen. "I'm sorry. But don't worry we're finally here," she beamed looking at the door that leads to her dorm. Sabrina went to take the blindfold off but the Tribrid stopped her. "No! Not yet" she slammed her hand over the witch's face.

"Okay! Chill" she moved her hand off and motioned for her to continue with whatever surprise she had for her. Hope nervously opened the door and moved her best friend inside the four walls. She looked around hoping it would be good enough.

"Take it off" she says and runs upfront. Sabrina does as told and removes the red cloth her blue eyes widening at the room decorations that Hope had put up hoping it was good enough to surprise Sabrina with some old memories. She slowly walks overrunning her hand on top of the pictures as she felt her eyes water just looking at them.

She got soft immediately.

The dark witch couldn't believe Hope had saved all of this even after her death. She thought they were all gone because of Serena when she moved into the room on her side. "I wanted to know if you wanted to move back in? Only if you wanted to hopefully you would...i miss my old roommate" Hope says shyly and Sabrina sighs bringing in Hope for a hug.

The Tribrid Mikaelson smiled hugging her back. "Course i want to. I can't stand that room alone, and we need the old HS crib" she says, and Hope laughs shaking her head both of them in tears.

They were known as strong girls who didn't really cry in front of others. This would be a big deal for the school. "That the worse name ever" Hope tells and Sabrina nods. "I know, but we never figured out a better one" they laughed together falling down on the ground.

Oh, how much did these two best friends, sisters miss each other?


Sabrina looked on either side of the hallways and quickly tippy-toed over to the front door and opened it sneaking out. She bit her lip as she saw Klaus Mikaelson standing there with a smirk on his face. She giggled and ran over to him jumping on top and wrapping her arms around his torso and neck while crashing his lips to hers.

The blonde savored the taste of his rosy lips, tangling her fingers in his hair as he held her up by her thighs. Once a good two minutes kiss they pulled apart a little breathless. "I missed you" since there was school Sabrina couldn't see Klaus that much. And so from time to time, they would sneak out.

Elijah thought it was a very dumb and irresponsible idea but it's Klaus and Sabrina we're talking about. They don't to anybody else but each other. Klaus smiles looking up at her and kissed her one more time. "You ready to have some fun?" he asked her and she nodded biting down her lip.

Klaus saw this and to stop her from doing so kissed her one more time and ran his thumb over it. Sabrina felt how her chest warmed up. The Hybrid put her back down and they walked over to the woods and find a small clearing. Klaus had prepared something for her and she was excited about it.

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