01 || Her Funeral

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

It wasn't the same and everybody could feel it. They could feel the missing energy in the school. A blonde girl was missing in the hallways jumping or skipping in her heels.

Her humming that she never notice people did hear. Her steps while she ditched class to go to the nearby lake and see the water to calm herself down.

To see butterflies.

That beautiful flying animal called Butterfly was something she loved very much. But nobody understood why?

Nobody knew about her Butterfly tattoo in her middle back, just Hope and she still kept it a secret. It was lonely for her, the room was lonely. She missed the loud laugh her best friend would do when she found something funny, which was all the time. Teasing her about Landon and how she had a huge crush on Klaus, her father.

It didn't bother her anymore that they were in love, but now she couldn't do anything because she was dead.

Alaric missed the girl who caused trouble, yet he saw as a daughter. He practically was the one to raise her after the fire. She sometimes visited him in the office, not when she was in trouble, but just to make a conversation with him.

She would say: "Eh, some people around here bore me, you're funny Ric"

She would call him, Ric, only when they were in private so the professional name would still stay in public.

Klaus. He didn't know what to do. He felt devastated, like a part of him had been ripped away. Like nothing else mattered and his thoughts would just keep going back to Sabrina as it depended on just their shared memories for him to keep his sanity. It killed him it was he who had to rip her life away. She asked him too and instead of helping her, he still did. There could have been a way to save her, but was there one?

Nobody knew what to do. The schools' mood was down and worst when it was her funeral. It was the day they buried Sabrina.

As the school gathered around the backyard in the woods, people kept on looking and wondering why behind the school. In the far wood, yet somewhat close to the building.

When they stopped Klaus stood with Hope holding her as they held each other. Hayley stood beside her daughter with Elijah and the rest of the Mikaelson's.

Lizzie and Josie stood beside their father as he walked to the front looking at everyone. They were all dressed in black, some crying others looking at the white coffin with pity.

It was white because Sabrina was good, she just needed more time to prove it to everyone.

Her friends all walked up standing right in front of the casket.

"Today," Alaric started. "We stand here to burry one of our school members, Sabrina wasn't a girl with an easy life. She had suffered a lot at such a young age, it seemed unfair. She was funny, kind and beautiful. Someone with a contagious smile and an inevitable attraction for trouble. I know some of you must only know her as the school dark witch, mean, evil, seen her as your story's villain. But she wasn't. She was cursed without reason, just because her family had endured her to it. She was born without one of the most important emotions we could ever feel. Love. She lacked that and yet found it in her last minutes," Alaric looked at Klaus who had tears welling up. "She was family, part of the Stallions, she was a friend and a lover, and today for the last time we say goodbye to Sabrina"

It was like a crying party. All her friends had tears in their eyes. The Mikaelson's had tears falling and Klaus. Well, he had dropped tears and for the first time in public, people saw him cry.

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