13 || No More Magic

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-Sabrina's P.O.V-

"What do you mean I don't have magic anymore that's not a thing" I say to Mr. Saltzman as he sighed looking at me worriedly which annoyed me because I was confused about how can I possibly not have magic.

'I've never heard of a witch that got their magic taken away. That's can't possibly be a thing!'

"It is a thing and it's not the first time it happens, a witch called Bonnie Bennett got her magic take away once or just simply didn't have it and in you're case...you don't have magic" I've heard of Bonnie Bennett great witch and totally badass because of the history this town has but I still don't get how can my magic get taken away.

"Maybe she just has to unlock it forgot how to use it" Josie said and I nodded thinking that might happen and all I needed to do was unlock it.

"Not in this case" Emma told us. And by us, I mean that the squad was going to be waiting outside as we talked but they refused to not listen. Those are good friends.


"It can be that the ancestor or maybe you're death had taken your powers, Sabrina, it's not exactly impossible" I frowned feeling very annoyed by this. I wasn't a werewolf or vampire of any kind of monster with special ability's I was a witch and the only thing that made me different was that.

I can't just be Sabrina. I'm Sabrina the Salvatore school's dark witch the one that's can do black magic without going all crazy because of it. I can do it because I was born like that and even though I'm meant to be evil. I was still a witch.

"Then we have to find a way to bring them back, try spells, rituals, something I can't just not have magic!" I was starting to get a little bit mad because if this was my ancestors the witches that had me trapped inside the other side punishing me then I wasn't wrong that they couldn't n touch me here.

"We can call Bonnie to see if she knows something but for now Sabrina-"

"Don't tell me you're kicking me out of the school because I'm not supernatural anymore?" I crossed my arms getting up. "No! What? You're not right?" MG asked and our headmaster shook his head no rather quickly and I sighed in relief.

"No I am not kicking you out Sabrina you are supernatural we just have to figure out how this happened" he was tapping his finger on the chair's arm and that meant he was nervous thinking.

Maybe I should tell them what happened to me when I was on the other side. "I think I can't hide it from you guys anymore Can I?" my voice was low and i wasn't sure I wanted to say this. Especially in front of a bunch of people.

"What can't you hide?" Darren asked me and I saw how he sat down beside me giving me a concerned look. "Some of you have asked me what happened to me on the other side, where was I...well it wasn't rainbows that's for sure because..."

The look people give you when you're literally the center of attention is extremely overwhelming. "What wasn't rainbows?" Hope asked.

"My coven, my family or in this case my whole ancestors they weren't pleased with who I was before I died" I'm sure it was my whole bloodline there torturing me.

"Pleased, Who wouldn't be pleased with who you were Sabrina?" Lizzie gave me a smile but I just frowned looking down. Then change my face putting a straight face showing no fear.

"I'm pretty sure everyone, I'm a dark witch I'm supposed to only do black magic things that wouldn't help I'm supposed to be evil the only do bad things, things that only benefit me, but...being here trying to be good, actually making friends...it's not what a dark witch is supposed to do never the less love" I was born to not be able to do good to just do bad to make the earth magic witches regret ever trying to exclude us from all magic but no I grew up in the good environment. "They punished me, tortured me I thought that being there would be an eternity of misery but when I came back I don't think it was them why would they want me alive It wouldn't make sense"

Thoughts of this came to my mind thy despise bringing me back to the land of living wouldn't be in their punishing plans.

"Maybe, But a witch can take another power" Emma says having a thinking face. "Wow, you can get your powers taken from another witch?" Landon asked making her nod.

"Yes, you sure would have to storage that magic somewhere and since your a dark witch and so are they, they can take it without getting affected"

Not only do they punish me now they take my magic. "Why would they do this to me? It just doesn't connect the dots why take the only thing that made me, well me!" I was upset angry and those emotions were surfacing. I clenched my fists in anger.

"Punish you just like you said" Serena speaks and I glare at her. I didn't get why she was here she had no right to be here and nothing to comment on.

'She's new what the hell can she know?'

"Serena is right, which means we have to protect you at all cost just in case there are more to come" Mr. Saltzman said and i rolled my eyes. "I'm not afraid if they attack me, anyways they're after the objects or Landon, not me" i huffed feeling like a baby when they speak like i needed someone to make decisions for me.

"But you don't have magic, without you you're defenseless...useless to fight against them" the words that just came out of Darren's mouth hurt me like a punch to my stomach and kicking out all air. He just said I'm useless and he has never offended me like that or ever has insulted me.

He's always sweet and kind, never that rude. I'd expect that from Kaleb hell i don't care what he thinks but Darren he would never...or at least i thought.

"Darren! That was rude man!" said MG defending me and i just pursed my lips glaring at him. "Ok let's have some air, i think we've discussed this, Sabrina we'll work on what happened with your magic the rest will not now go to bed" when Mr. Saltzman said that I wanted to keep on talking about where my magic had gone off to.

But it was already mid-night and some of their eyes were starting to become droopy. I got up breathing deep and pushing my hair off my shoulder.

I left the room with two things in mind that worried me greatly.

'Why i don't i have magic?'

'What the hell happened with Darren?'

(A/N) Hello peeps!!

Another chapter yay! I can't believe Sabrina doesn't have magic anymore...wait i can i wrote it. Oof i know it's sad because I know how much all of you wanted to Sabrina to come back with more power and everything but it seems it ain't happening.

Darren was so mean by saying that and it seems Sabrina is noticing how much he's changing around her. Things are changing guys.

Sorry for any misspellings :)

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