09 || Illusion Or Reality

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

A chilly night was one everybody could call today's night. The sky was pitch black and not or a single star. Only the moon the shinned over the whole town.

Some people were asleep and others were doing nocturnal things. Some people say that the night is more beautiful than the day. That it hides more secrets than a day with its bright sun.

Creatures come out after the suns down to do what they do best. Hunt or just have fun. There's some time of the night's sky's where there are stars covering every single piece of the sky but today was not that kind of night.

The moon could see things some people couldn't. It was a witness to anything and everyone. If it could talk it'd be a dangerous tongue to mess with.

The Stallions students were just chilling inside the building doing whatever they wanted.

Some were just hanging out and others were looking for answers on what could it mean the last words of the Necromancer.

The four witnesses of its disappearance were looking around for answers thinking on what creature could create such a strong earthquake.

But they couldn't find a single thing.

As the worked on the lobby this time just in case checking the door if a monsters barge in they'd be ready to kill it.

Serena walked back inside shaking her head after checking if there was a sign of a new monster Rafael right behind her.

When she shook her head the headmaster nodded relaxing they had time.

But sometimes some people miss the most important spots. The ones some wouldn't think it'd be useful to check. And oh should they have checked this one.

Her eyes opened wide her blue orbs looking around the box for a way of panic. She looked around feeling like she was suffocating and her oxygen was minimum and it was.

Hitting on the wooden box she banged and banged to the point where it swung open. She closed her eyes mud falling on her as she was after all six feet underground.

Quickly she started clawing her hands to find a surface and put all dirt aside for her to be able to get out. Her hand sprung out and she felt the chilly night as she found the door to her endless torture.

It was like a Zombie coming out of the ground literally only this time she wasn't a Zombie or was she?

Finally out of the underground she looked around her face all dirty just like her dress and her hand was bleeding from hitting the wooden casket.

Her eyes widen and with glossy eyes, she looked around confused out of her mind. She had to admit though it was cold or maybe her body was permanently cold from the void she was in.

Looking behind her she slowly turned to see the one home she had been living on what felt like ages ago. Her mind was confused and she was terrified. Her feeling was mixed and she looked horrible.

Gulping her feet moved upfront but she fell to the ground scraping her knees. Her body was weak very weak.

Doing one last effort she stood up slowly and tried walking over to the Salvatore boarding school.

Nobody saw her, nobody heard her but the moon witness this girls' return.

Her bare feet touched the ground feeling the shivers up her spin from how cold it felt. The stone floor was left with dirt prints from her feet.

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