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Sabrina Blackthorn did have a thing everybody knew about

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Sabrina Blackthorn did have a thing everybody knew about. She did what she wanted when she wanted. And now that she was back to being her old original and unique Sabrina, she would continue doing that. Feeling how her confidence was back let her walk through the Salvatore Schools hallways like she owned the place.

Her hips swinging from side to side as she let her head up high, golden hair flowing behind her back as her piercing blue eyes looked at those around her. Her name was on everyone's mouths. It was everything they have been talking about still. And it's been five months since her fight with Serena.

She was back in her old uniform. Her shoes announcing her entrance and her classmates all stepping aside as she waltzes through the middle not having to move a finger just send a look. Her eyes could speak for her and unlike before she held a smile and not a smirk.

The Dark witch waved at some of her classmates and at others who she didn't speak to she just nodded her head and turned around. She was keeping her promise of working to be better. She was getting good at that since she had practice while being human.

But with her black magic back, the mischievousness was back in its competition for well-behaving. Her butterfly tattoo was under her shirt on her back. She had shown it off before and still lying by how she got it. It was a Blackthorn secret. She'd only confined it to two people. And one was Klaus.

Her red bottom heels stopped in the library as she stopped the redhead boy what seemed to be like flirting with the brunette twin. Was she upset at them? Yes. But it was much less than before. It started to lower as time passed and they really tried to work for her forgiveness.

They really did.

By now it was a good feeling for her to see them try. But she did say she would work for theirs too. So it was both side's job. Her hand put over her perfect red lips as she watched how Josie giggled and Darren smirked. Once the bell rang Josie and Darren said their goodbyes and she turned to go watching Sabrina in the way.

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