08 || Black Butterfly

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-3rd person's P.O.V-

The Saltzman twin were celebrating their birthday today. And they had been very excited all the school was there and everybody seemed to have had fun.

Even Hope and Landon went They had been begged by Rafael to go. They weren't going but for their friends they ya made an appearance. Hope had reached Rafael and Landon how to dance that day. Her aunt Rebekah made sure the girl knew how to dance saying it was one of the best ways to flirt with a man and that she needed to know like every Mikaelson.

Serena had had a big debate on whether What dress to wear. Hope had told her the black one was pretty but the girl was still indecisive. They had become good friends over time passed.

That night has broken the ice between them. They would sneak out and its ice cream sometimes being caught and others just being lucky or not.

But the party of the twins was bummed at some point when their biological mother had come back to life. Yes 16 years later and back from the dead.

The ones who knew were shocked but Lizzie and Josie were happy to at least once have met their blood mother.

After that, it seemed that she was somewhat a magical return but not a good one. Josie was kidnapped and almost buried alive. If it wasn't for the gift Hope had given Josie and her MG and Penelope going to save her. She would be dead. Zombies seemed to be real which creep MG out completely.

But after all that everything concluded on Lizzie and Josie having to take all Jo's magic and kill her. As much as it hurt all of them it had to be done she wasn't supposed to be alive.

When Alaric was burying his wife to everybody's luck a new monster had come. He called himself the Necromancer. Nobody knew who he was.


"What do you mean? A Necromancer What even is that?" Serena asked Hope who shrugged. "I have no idea but he seems very annoying with his constant 'I'm the Necromancer' literally" Hope laughed.

"And why are we going to interrogate this thing again?" Serena was confused with this monster's things. She was new at it and her experience wasn't good.

Hope opened the door to the dungeon and skipped down the stairs. "Because i need to know what it wants besides the Urn I need to know more about it so I can find a way to kill it" Hope explained like it was the most simple thing in the world.

The blonde girl nodded and walked in after Hope looked inside to see if there was anyone else. "Are we doing this behind Dr. Saltzman's back?" Serena looked around the cold room.

"Eh...kind of" Hope answered and they stood in front of the Necromancer's cell. "Ah you're back and you've brought a friend" the horrible monster said to them smiling. Serena wished he wouldn't smile.

"You were right, it is ugly" Serena pursed her lips and Hope nodded.

The Necromancer glared at that. "Do you even know who I am to talk like that about me or even in front?" he stood up walking over.

"Yeah, and you're not as famous as you think" scoffed Serena.

"How dare you, little girl"

"Little? I can kick your ass"

"Are you challenging the all too mighty-"

"Ok! We get who you are and nobody remembers and stop bickering" Hope stopped them and him from doing that cringe introduction of himself.

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