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Six months later....

"She is finally asleep." Nana climbed in bed with Cameron. He was too busy typing away in his phone. He didn't respond at first.
"Baby she just got a little cold. So it wasn't going to be easy but you get some rest and I'll take the night shift with Princess." Cameron kissed her and Nana began to get under the covers.
"Baby I really appreciate you so much."
"I know you be busy and shit so I got it but remember you got to go with your father tomorrow so you got to drop the kids off with Tori."
"Okay I already set my alarm."
"Okay get some rest baby."
Nana was maintaining a steady routine for all her daily tasks. She would visit Semaj at least three times a week. She took long hours to work at her shop wit the help of Danny and the New employees things were really great. Nana also has help from this guy name Cruz. Cruz was a friend of her dad and they brought him on board to help push out the product that was coming in. With only months into this street shit things were already going off the wall. Money was being made but with a woman taking charge not too many niggas was happy.

The next morning Nana woke up at five in the morning to finish some paper work for the store.She had a huge shipment coming in with new furniture and clothes from many different designers coming in and she had to make sure everything was right. After taking care of business Nana went to wake Prince for school. Prince was sometimes the hardest to handle in the morning he would be up all night and then be the one upset and cranky in the morning.
"Prince! Get up it's time for school." Nana said swinging open the door. Then turning on the light. Prince didn't even move. Nana instantly got louder.
"PRINCE! Act like you can't hear and I promise I'll beat your narrow ass. Get up before we have a problem. When we go to see your father I'll sure to tell him how disrespectful you've been to me." Nana walked out the room. Prince rose up wiping the crust out his eyes.He got out of bed and went in the bathroom to start getting ready.
After getting Prince started with his day Nana had to start on breakfast. Cameron was still asleep and so was Princess. Nana took out some eggs and grits with pancakes and orange juice and coffee. She began cooking and getting the food ready cause soon everyone would be up and hungry.
Cameron soon came down stairs holding little chubby Princess. She was laying across his chest and had her fingers in her mouth. She was just so adorable. The only thing Nana could see you when looking at her baby girl was Semaj. She missed him like crazy and she was pissed that Trina pulled this stunt.
"There goes Mama's baby." Nana pick Princess off of Cameron and kissed all over her.
"My mom is going on her trip to Jamaica and I have to go pick up my baby girl. I know my baby misses her Dad." Cameron said taking some me toast to eat.
"Yeah you be too busy. If you take some time back for us we could spend plenty of time together."
"There you go."
"What you mean?"
"It's always an argument when we start simple conversations."
"I'm just saying it's bad enough I run around with my Dad doing all types of stuff. Like a chicken with my head cut off. It would be nice for it to you to be my peace at home. But when I'm home you never home always working and out of town. That's not helping anything."
"Just how you have to handle business for Semaj and yourself I got to do the same thing so trust and believe me what you saying is some bullshit."
"Whatever Cam."

Their relationship took a slight different change since Semaj went away. With Semaj and his lifestyle taking up most of Nana time it tore the two apart. Cameron deeply loved his girlfriend but he was feeling like he was losing her.

After Nana made breakfast she finished getting the kids ready. While in the bathroom getting ready , Cameron came in to join.
"I don't want to fight with you." Nana said.
"Then don't." Cameron walked out the bathroom. Nana followed all the way downstairs. Nana grabbed the kids and theirs bags and left to drop them off and handle her business. Cameron got in his car and drove off into his day. Nana couldn't stand how easily Cameron would just give up and start acting as if he didn't care. Nana just knew this was far from over.

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