Character profiles and changes

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Isa Midoriya   

14 years old (exactly one year younger than Izuku same BDay )

This is what she looks like in her hero training costume which she made matching her brothers. ( This will change soon)

Her quirk is called Copycat and as you can probably guess it allows the user to copy the quirks, mindsets, and physical properties of anyone she has contact with

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Her quirk is called Copycat and as you can probably guess it allows the user to copy the quirks, mindsets, and physical properties of anyone she has contact with. She can only copy quirks with her hands. 

The drawbacks of her quirk are that she cants forget a quirk once she learns it, if she copies more than 5 quirks during one time she will faint, and a lower level of the quirks own drawback( this means that if she copies an ice quirk and doesn't train with it the right way she will get frostbite ). She also can't control whether she gets a quirk or not. 

Some quirks that she has copied are:

telekinesis - from her mom but mutated to a bigger degree

instant healing - when she was younger she helped a boy who was about to be crushed by debree so the boys mom not only healed her  but gave her, her quirk and training for using it

mood control - when she was shopping with Izuku she found a mother calming her kids down after a villain attack with it. 

ani - basically I get animal ears and tails depending on the animal I chose I get different specialties. 

sensory - I can sense when something is wrong due to this I can leave class if its bad using a code word I told the teacher so Kats and Izu don't get worried. 

Ying and Yang - This quirks allows her to control light and shadows to her will. She can condense then into small spheres and shoot them to her enemies hurting them or confusing/relaxing them. 

Teleporting - she can teleport to a specific place or person, but it takes total concentration, and she either has to know the person on a deep level or have been to the place multiple times. 

Her costume while similar to Izuku differs in some ways. Unlike Izuku who relies on his quirk Isa also likes using weapons. She has 2 gun holders on her thighs. The guns themselves doesn't shoot bullets but compacted versions of temporary quirks ( Lets say that she copies an invisibility quirk if she shoots her guns while focusing on that quick the person it hits will be temporarily invisible ). She has a dagger in each of her boots. Inside the pouches on her belt and arm are blood replenishing pills and basic first aid. 

When she changes her costume her weapons will remain the same. 

 Important facts about Isa

She trained in hand to hand combat with Katsuki since she was young without her brother knowledge. It's gotten to the point were not only is she strong and fast but can even beat Katsuki without any problems. 

Every year she is forced to spend 2 months in America with her dad who wants to see her but for some reason Izuku isn't allowed with her ( which he is glad about).  Both she and Izuku not hate but strongly dislike their father who only cares about his business. 

Her dream isn't to become the best hero but to protect those close to her and civilians. 

Like Izuku and Katsuki she is a top student without even trying giving her more time to train. In an attempt to challenge her the school put her in Izuku's grade but it didn't change anything so they offered to do it again but she liked being in classes with her brother and Katsuki. 

Her real name is Isabella chosen by her father but she doesn't like the name because it makes her sound like a five-year-old so she tells others her name is Isa. 

Isa is a normally sweet and sassy girl with a comeback to most things. She can even get pro hero's to stutter and give up. She likes to tease people and is a troublemaker. She has most people wrapped around her fingers. But when she gets mad or is in a bad mood she can be rude and knows how to make people feel horrible. In both personas, she is sarcastic and intelligent. 

She is that person that you see being guarded by the most unlikely people making mortal enemies come together if it means her safety. Even All Might and Todoroki will become prey to this innocent cinnamon roll.  

She dislikes her dad who doesn't give Izuku the credit he deserves and evil people. It doesn't matter if your a hero or a villain if you get classified as evil she won't even get close to you if not to hurt you. She also despises seafood as in will not get close it. 

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