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Izuku POV

I read the letter in front of me twice. I can hear silent tears, from Mina, and the girls behind me, and the growling of Kacchan. Yet my focus was on the paper in my hands. 


I am so sorry, but I need to go home. I love you and everyone else so much, but America is where I belong. I will take over dad's company and maybe visit once in a while. I know that this is the last minute but you should understand that this is what I need to do. I know you Izu, you will become a great hero, after all, you have a heart of gold. I will always stove to protect you guys even from the background, and I will make sure that I won't disappoint you. 

Again I love you and take care. I won't let my selfishness hold you all back. 


My baby sister went back home. Can I even call that place her home? She hates it there so why would she go back. 

I won't let my selfishness hold you all back

Why would she say that? Why would she be selfish? 

Possibilities run through my mind until I remember the announcement Mr. Aizawa, told us this morning. 

The school is getting a lot of pressure. 

 He did this. He is a big influence. He has the power to apply this kind of pressure on anyone. After all its how he took care of the competition.That and blackmail.  

" Dad" I whisper and Kachan looks at me sharply.

" Do you know anything about this" He yells/ growls at me and everyone's eyes are on me. Including All Mights and Aizawa's. 

" Kachan, do you think your mom would mind if you were gone for a few days" I ask going over my plan in my head. It would break a few rules but it's Isabella, we are talking about. 

" Yeah, the old hag wouldn't care" Kachan growls and I smirk. My eyes turning the same red as my dad's. Kachan looks confused as I look up. Gasp erupts from the classroom. 

Todoroki is just looking at his paper.  Wonder if I can get him on board. 

" Let me get a few people, we're going to America," I say standing up grinning Kachan looks at me. He actually mirrors my grin and I know he's on board. We may not see eye to eye, but when it comes to Isa, one thing is clear. 

Anyone who touches her won't getaway. 

" I'm coming with you," Todoroki tells us and I narrow my eyes. Mina and uraraka both stood up as well. They give me a look and I know that they are coming too. 

I nod after I take in Todoroki's face. Even when he spoke about his dad, he kept his cool, now he's just angry. 

I quickly ask myself what I am doing, but push my thoughts aside as I nod at Todoroki. 

My eyes pass over the classroom, and I see the others looking down at there desks. Getting my phone out I call one of the few families, from dad's side that still talk to me on a regular basis. 

" Izuku, why is Isabella here!" She asks worry crawling up her voice. She is pacing and I find the sound of her heels clicking against the floor calming. 

" Dad blackmailed her," I say simply and she growls profanities under her breath. 

Aunt Emilly is one of the few people I know that actually sees what my dad actually is. She was the one who introduced Isa, to the hero world. The one I actually trust Isa with over there. 

" Aunt Emilly can you get me 5 tickets to America," I ask and I can hear her smirk. Even if she is the best to me, she still has done some pretty bad things in her life, but only as a last choice. So when I ask her to help me protect her niece, I know she won't hesitate. 

" Of course dear, anything for the son of my brother" She states sweetness coaxing her voice and I knew then that she wanted revenge as much as I did. She is a master at getting people to do what she wants. If she wants something done it will be. 

I hear a slight clicking on her tablet and a slight laugh. It looks like she is getting ready. 

" Can you guys get ready in an hour?" She asks and I grin. I look up and signal a one to Kachan and the others and they all nod. 

" Love you," I say and nod to the teachers who are apparently fine with us leaving. 

" You've done worse" All Might state answering my mental question. What have we done worse than going to a different country to save a classmate? 

" Technically all you guys are doing is skipping school, it's not like we knew that you're going to America, Plus once you leave the school ground you can do whatever you need to. " Aizawa continues and I laugh, slightly stepping away from a smiling Aizawa. 

I can see how he became an underground hero. Talk about telling half-truths, and bending the rules. 

" We have an hour, let's go," I say and the 5 of us leave the classroom. Aizawa giving us one order to get Isa back. 

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