ch 15 aftermath

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Isa P.O.V

All I see is darkness. It feels as if someone has stuffed cotton in my ears because I can hear something, just not clearly. My body feels numb and I try to move my arm. My fingers twitch and I feel something warm envelope my hand. It's comfortable and tight around my hand. I hear something clearer and can now tell that someone is calling me. 

I open my eyes and see white. Shoto is standing next to me holding my hand. Relief is clear on his...kinda cute.... features. His shoulders slightly sag and he nods at me. 

" Your brother and Bakugo just left" he states while sitting back down. I  run my fingers through my messy locks and groan. 

" Neither of them have slept in days. " Shoto continues and I gave him an are you serious look. 

" You don't look so good yourself" I reply with a smile. It's true. His hair is slightly messy and he has bags under his eyes. He shows me a soft smile and chuckles. 

" I would love to bring you a mirror right now" he states and I grimace. 

" That bad?" I ask and he smiles. 

" That bad" he replies with amusement clear in his voice. 

" How long was I out," I ask and he looks away. 

" a week" he answers and I cringe. Even with my supernatural healing I was out for a week. 

" They ran away," Shoto tells me and a flash of rage fills me. 

" So all that big talk about killing All Might is was what chop liver" I growl and Shoto actually laughs. 

" My sister said the same thing" He replies and I slightly blush and put on a cheeky grin. 

" Your sister is pretty amazing then" I answer and he smirks. 

" She is" He states and his voice is filled with calm pride. 

" You both are" He continues and I look at him in shock. 

" You literally walked towards the villains and put up a fight against something the was made to kill All Might and let's not forget that you took down more than 50 percent of the smaller villains" He finishes and I look at him. 

" Thank you," I say and he gives me a small smile. 

" Do you want to call your brother." He asks and I nod. He hands me my phone and goes to call the doctor. 

" Hey Izu," I say as he replies to the call. 

" Isa I am heading over there now when did you wake up," He asks frantic and I glare even though he can't see it. 

" Someone told me you haven't been sleeping" I reply and am met with silence. 

" What would staying awake do, magically wake me up" I growl and Izu doesn't seem to be fazed. 

" Well, my baby sister is in the hospital what was I supposed to do continue on with my normal routine." He snarks back and I sigh. 

" No, you were supposed to visit me and then sleep for a few hours every day. Idiot" I reply and he hangs up. 

" I've never seen Midoriya be so rude" I hear Shoto say and I jump. He is leaning against the wall with his neutral face back in place. 

" He's been hanging around Kats for too long" I sigh and Shoto's eye twitches. 

The doctor comes in and checks over me. I still have two more ribs to heal, but everything else was good. Thank you healing quirk. 

" Will I be able to get back to school?" I ask the doctor and he looks uncertain. 

" By the time the UA opens, I think so" He replies and I arc an eyebrow. 

" UA was closed for the week" Shoto answeres and I nod. 

" It should be open next Monday so 5 days," He continues and I groan. 

" As long as you stay here the night you should be able to leave tomorrow on bed rest for three days" the doctor finishes and I nod. 

" Trust me she isn't leaving her room" I hear someone growl. I look towards the door to see Kats and Izu standing at the door. 

The doctor leaves and Shoto does too. 

" YOU STUPID-" Kats begins before I glare at him. 

" Watch it," I say and he shakes his. Then I am tackled by a green and blond blur. 


The next morning I left after getting visits by all my friends and All Might. 

Mom drove me home as she was here since 5 am. 

After the three days of bed rest. I used the next two days to get my muscles back in shape. The rest of my friends and classmates came to my house and we all talked about what happened to fill me and the others that passed out in. 

Nicole and Midnight also came to see me. They fixed my costume and are even designing a new one. They aren't letting me see the design but I here the gushing about it. 

The news also has apparently found out where I live. Being one of the major players in the attack made me very popular. Especially since the villains sent a video of the whole thing to local news shows. 

That video is the vain of my existence. 

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