ch 20 obstacle race

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Shoto P.O.V

I walked home from school after getting sidetracked by the other class. My mind drifted off to the blond who was staring at Isabella. I felt the fire in my left side rush forward as I remembered the look on his face. Like Isabella was some prize. 

Father called me this morning and basically told me that I was destined for greatness and that Isabella, which he referred to as that girl. stood no chance. 

I know that Isabella was trained by All Might, but I know nothing about his relationship with the other Midoriya. 

Again the picture of the blond prats face flashes through my vision. I let out a growl as I remember Isabella take a step back. 

Who the hell does he think he is. 

I open the door to my house and I'm met with my siblings and father looking at me. It seems that I interrupted a conversation. I walk upstairs seeing red and shut my door, leaving behind a confused brother, sister, and piece of trash. 


Father will be waiting at the stands since he doesn't want to waste time taking me to class. Fuyumi and Natsuo want to take me to class, and for some reason, they are grinning. 

I open the door and am met with laughter. Isabella is standing with her mother, brother, and the Bakugo's. She is grinning and giggling into her hand. Midoriya is smiling, embarrassed by something and the rest of the group is smiling/smirking. 

Every student was wearing their gym uniform yet Isabella still stood out among the class. 

" Hey that's Sho's girlfriend" Natsuo whispers and my flame side explodes. 

" It's not like that," I say back. 

The flames must have announced my presence because now everyone was looking at me. 

" Shoto" Isabella called out and waved me over. I walked over my face falling into its neutral form. Both of my siblings followed me smiling. 

Third P.O.V

All the families have left. The Todoroki's joined their father leaving Shoto with Isa, Izuku, and Katsuki. 

Class 1A along with the other classes walked out into the arena. 

Midnight then calls out to the audience. 

" For the student speech, please welcome Isabella Midoriya" She calls out and Isa walks up on the stage with a perfected stage smile. Her hair that was previously lose was in a perfect ponytail bouncing with every step she took. 

" Hello and welcome to the UA Sports Festival" she speaks into the mic the smile still on her face as the crowd cheers. 

" My name is Isabella Midoriya of class 1A" She states her voice never wavering. She takes a glance at All Might who nods at her in return. 

"I congratulate all those who are here. All those who have worked hard to get where you are today. This is our chance to show all those viewing what the next generation of heroes looks like. While we are. 

While we are all fighting, protecting, and saving I want everyone watching to remember ' The only way to tell the future is to create it'. We are all here thanks to the fruits of our labor. Whether you have a mental or physical quirk or even no quirk at all as long as you see through your struggle you will rise to the top. 

I say this not as a student, but as a future hero, we are here to bring hope to the population. Plus Ultra! "  Isa states her voice rising with every word. The look in her eyes never breaking. The grin on her face never leaving. 

" My name is..." She starts as she summons some green sparks to cover her body. 

" Fortune: The hero of hope!" She finishes and walks down the stairs. everyone's eyes on her as she takes her place next to her brother with practiced grace. 

The crowd is silent until cheers ripple through the crowds getting louder and louder. 

Izuku was staring wide-eyed at his sister. 

Inko was crying. 

All Might was grinning.

Shoto was smiling at the girl who moved the whole arena. 

Even pro heroes were staring at Isa, shock, and excitement radiating off of them. 

The first exam has started. 

Shoto instantly freezes the start making most people unable to continue. Katsuki uses his explosions as a propeller. Isa has activated one for all and her cheetah persona. 

Isa is in the lead with Shoto and Katsuki close behind. The first part of this exam is a canyon. Isa teleports to the other side, while Shoto makes an ice passway. Katsuki is practically flying with his quirk. 

Isa enters the second stage and notices mines buried in the ground. In an instant, she changes her persona into her falcon one. Giving her almost perfect eyesight. She briefly thinks about growing her wings but decides to save her energy. 

She doges every mine, but Shoto and Katsuki cant do this. The second they step foot into the second stage a mine blows up. Dust covers the arena and settles down showing a nearly pitch-black barrier covering both boys. 

Everyone's eyes are drawn to Isa, who has stopped running and has her hands stretched out towards both boys. She quickly drops the shield and begins to run again, dodging every mine with precision. Both boys recreating her steps. 

Suddenly a boom goes off and Izuku who took a slab from the canyon was sent flying and entered the first place. 

Isa who was distracted by her brother flying, jumped up when a robot came from the ground next to her. 

She pushed her hands into an X position, subconsciously creating a black shield and braced herself. This ended up being unnecessary because the robot was frozen in place and then hit by Katsuki's quirk. 

All three began running, with Isa, getting second, Shoto getting third and Katsuki getting forth. 

Isa immediately hugged her brother and grinned. 

" Congrats," she told him and he grinned back at her. 

The rest of the participants came through the finish line and Isa was happy with the turnout. Something tells her that coming in first place would be more trouble than it's worth. 

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