ch 22 Shoto...

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All Might and I were talking about my speech and how he was proud of how I handled everything. I was grinning back and practically blooming under the praise of my all-time favorite hero.

That was until the flaming trash came in.

" Ah, Endeavor its been a long time" All Might states with a grin while I straighten my face, refusing to show my anger towards him.

Endeavor just looks blankly at All Might, glaring at him. He looks at me for second before scoffing and turning his attention back to All Might. My smile becomes forced as I begin to plan Shoto's dad's murder. I am pretty sure he wouldn't mind.

" We should go get some tea later it's been what ten years" All Might continues and I can't help but give him an are you serious face. This guy clearly hates you, and he literally radiates fuck off, and you just continue to offer him tea.

Endeavor slightly face faults as he thinks the same thing as me.

" Take your tea somewhere else All Might" Endeavor answers passively, steel lining his voice.

All Might then looks at Endeavor weirdly as he begins to walk away.

" Young Todoroki is able to put on a great show even while only using his right side" All Might called out and I can't help but silently snort.

"Mabey you can give me advice on how to raise the next generation." All Might continues and Endeavor stops. Ah hell no. I'd rather not. You are doing fine All Might better than him.

" Shoto's only reason to exist is to become number one and surpass you" Endeavor almost growls and I glare back. I feel the dark energy of my preferred shadow quirk begins to unravel and I suppress a growl.

" This includes that girl as well" He finishes pointing at me and walking away.

" Shoto wouldn't be the person he is today without you," I say and again he stops. I walk forward until I am steps away from him and continue.

" He could have been weaker..... He could have been stronger. We don't know" I say and Endeavor looks at me with a face saying get on to the point.

" All I know is that you stole his childhood and for that, you don't deserve to be number one, at least not while someone like All Might is in the running" I growl and walk away.

All Might let me leave, giving me a grudging look of respect.

I feel heat course through my skin as I clench my hands. My teeth grind together as I feel the heat rush to my eyes. Making my normally green eyes turn a crimson red, identical to dads.

My hair creates shadows over my eyes as I feel the waiting room I entered grow dark. A snarl escapes my lips as I pictured Endeavor's face.

Shoto is one of the people that I consider a friend, one of the people I swear to help, yet that guy insults him in front of me

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Shoto is one of the people that I consider a friend, one of the people I swear to help, yet that guy insults him in front of me. Calls him a tool. Shoto is a person. You don't just call someone, especially your son, a tool.

I drop the shadows as I hear the door next to me open in a crash. Shoto is standing there. His hair is slightly messed up as if he was pulling his hand through it and his lips were pressed into a thin line. His eyes were wide open looking at me, the previous rage they held fading.

The heat under my skin is dulling, but not fading.

He walks up to me and before I can think he is in front of mine. His face centimeters from my own.

" Why" he states and I relax a bit. He cuts me off before I can ask what.

" Why is it that when you are around the flames I swore never to use ignite. Why is that?" He asks and I can't keep a blush off of my face.

The heat under my skin vanished, but my eyes still burn.

I used to make fun of stories like this. Where the room vanished and the girl can only see the guy. Where the girl trips over herself in order to get the class bad guy to see her? I always thought that it was annoying that when a girl would stop everything to go see the one she likes one last time.

But now...

I could only look at Shoto. His nose was an inch from mine. I could feel his breath hit my collar as his eyes were trained on me.

And I didn't think.

I gently put my lips on his and his eyes grew wide. As I pulled away from him, his fireside completely went up in flames.

He looked at me in shock, a crimson blush on his face as I laughed at the now Half shirtless Shoto.

" Does that answer your question?" I say teasingly as Shoto then smirks.

" Maybe you should answer it again" He whispers without thinking. The face of realization he made was great. I, on the other hand, blushed 50 shades of red and stuttered.

We both stood there kind of awkwardly as our blushes faded.

" Soo-" I get cut off by Shoto's lips on mine again. I wrap my arms around his neck without thinking and we kiss for what felt like an hour.

" Your eyes" He states and I raise my eyebrow. His chest let out a deep rumble under my hand as he spoke.

" They're green again" He continues and I smile. The heat under my eyes signaling their color was indeed gone.

" They suit you better" He finishes and I laugh.

" So storytime," I tell him pointing to his messed up hair and the ( Now)broken door. He looks at me with a chuckle and then speaks.

" That goes both ways" He states looking into my eyes and I let out a small growl, but nod. 

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