Ch 6 The rest of the exams

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After the



Me and All Might were standing next to each other. We were rubbing the back of our necks while laughing sheepishly every once in a while.

The teachers and other students were looking at us in shock. Eraser head was looking at us with an eyebrow raised. All Might looks at my seemingly reading my mind and nods.

" Take a picture it last longer" We both say in the most monetone voice possible.

I hear snickers in the background from the only other girls in the room. The others just raise their eyebrows even higher.

" I mean, I know that I am fabulous but really" I say with a snicker. The girls burst out laughing while I hear chuckles coming from the two boys behind me. All Might smirks and ruffles my hair while I hear Eraser head saying something akin to I give up.

I stand to the side as Momo fights against Midnight and It's obvious that she will lose. Her quirk which I can assume to be a creation quirk is way to obvious when in use and while she has a good fighting style her moves are predictable.

I can feel the stare of Shoto on my back as I look at the battle going on in front of me. I turn to look at him and he doesn't even look away he just continues to stare as if analyzing me.

I look at the battle just as it ends. Midnight is holding Momo's hands behind her back and it looks as if Momo has given up.

Momo walks towards us with her head a bit low and with a sad smile. I congratulate her and she looks at me strangely before chuckling.

We both introduced ourselves and she told me to call he by her first name, which was fine with me since I was already doing in my mind. I told her to call Me Isa like I tell most people I meet.

Shoto wordlessly stood in the middle of the arena against Ectoplasm. The fight was intense to say the least. I wasn't even sure who was going to win for a good part of the fight. Ectoplasm won but just barely.

I said my congratulations and Shoto just looked at me and nodded.

We walk to the viewing room and mostly do small talk between me and Momo with Shoto putting in his impute occasionally.

The heros left the room to talk about our skill set and Momo asked the question I knew was coming.

"So why are you and All Might so close" She asked and Shoto was peeking up from the book he was reading. I rubbed my neck sheepishly and decided to tell them the truth.

" Can you guys keep this in this room please" I ask looking away and smile when Momo nods.

" This includes you too Shoto" I say and he does a simple nod and then looks at my with a raised eyebrow.

" Shoto...?" He asks and I blush and internally curse myself out.

" Well that is your name right" I say sarcastically but then decide to impute a bit more.

" I'm not good with formalities sorry" I say with a shrug and he nods.

" Anyways my quirk is similar to All Might's and when he saw that he decided to train me a bit so I see him quite often he also was the one that recommended me" I say as if this is normal.

After the shock faded away and the teachers came back in we decided to play 20 questions.

Ive learnt that Momo is a big reader and can play instruments like the piano. And that Shoto like Cold Soba and that his birthday is in January. I told them that I have an older brother currently testing and that my favorite color is green.

Then something caught my eyes.

" Izu nii" I state after seeing him take down a small robot with his bracelet hand and I smile. In the panel next to him is Kats angrily destroying everything in his path and I sweat drop.

Then A huge robot nearly tripling the other one appears and traps a girl. Izu jumps up and punches him using One for All breaking his arm falling in the processes.

" Izu" I scream while standing up casing everyone else including All Might who looks pale to look at the screen. I don't even think within a second I am right there in the air holding on to Izu.

I activate My falcon persona and open up the brown and white wings that broke out of my back and land to the ground with a few scrapes. I activate my healing quirk and within seconds I have him fully healed but unconscious.

I use levitation to help the girl that my brother saved out from the rubble putting her next to Izu. I then realize that she is the same girl I saw him Talking to this morning. I heal her with a smile on my face and she begins to stutter and thank me.

I stand only to stumble a bit. I was already tired from the exam, then I go out and use other energy consuming quirks, and to top it off a have scabs all over my knees.

I pant and think If I am doing this I aint going halfway. I activate my healing quirk and heal everyone in the area that got caught in the rubble.

The last thing I see before passing out is All Might and the others running towards me. As I fall I feel someone catch me and I see red and white before blacking out.

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