ch 14 all might comes

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Izuku P.O.V

We just got to the plaza when Tsuyu stops. Her mouth is open and tears pool in her eyes. She is horrified and I turn to where she is facing. 

My heart stops when I see my little sister in the hand of the ringleader of the group. Her costume is torn and bruises littered her body. Worst of all was her head which had a gash the size of my palm. Her eyes are glazed and she is glaring at her captor. I sense Mineta take a step back as I call out to her. 

Her eyes turn towards us and relief floods her face. From the other side of the plaza, Kachan and Kirishima look at Isa. Kachan looks wide eyes as Isa farces a smile onto her face. I take a step back and suddenly feel numb. 

" Sorry min'na" she calls out, her voice barely a whisper as she blacks out

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" Sorry min'na" she calls out, her voice barely a whisper as she blacks out.  Kachan's legs give out from under him and Kirishima has to catch him. I can't breathe and start to pant. This can't be happening. No. Not to her. 

I can only watch as the ringleader throws Isa onto the ground under him. Aizawa sensei is under the Nomu and I can't tell if he and Isa are alive. 

" YOU BASTARD " Kachan screams and lunges at the ringleader. His eyes crazed and I don't waste a second before heading towards the Nomu. I try to chanal all of the power I can and punch him square in the face. The ringleader was about to use his quirk on Kachan but Sensei stops him. 

Just then the doors opened. 

" Do not worry... because I am here" All Might states and I feel relief flood me. In seconds All Might was at the Nomu and punched it in the jaw sending it back.

He walks by me with a smile and helps Sensei sit up. 

" You really got beat up huh" He states and Sensei points towards were Isa is. 

" The other Midoriya" he states and All Might goes Rigid. He slowly turns towards the Ringleader who is laughing. 

" Oh, you mean her" He calls out picking up Isa again. The whole Plaza is quite. the rest of the class who got here at the same time as All Might is in shock. I feel rage course through my veins on how he is treating Isa like a masterpiece. 

All Rights teeth are bared and Aizawa glares at the man. 

" Isa!" Momo and Ocho call out. Isa doesn't react. 

I fell a frigid air surround me and look back. Todoroki is standing in the middle of the plaza just behind All Might. Ice surrounds his left side, while a pure burning flame covers his right. His face was similar to All Mights and what I am guessing mine and Kachans look like. 

With a shared glance we all attack. 

Todoroki is going towards the ringleader, Kachan is heading towards the mist thing and All Might and I fight the Nomu. 

The before we can reach them the ring leader throws Isa at Todoroki and teleports along with the Nomu, and Mist thing. 

" Damn It" Kachan screams but like me and All Might he is heading towards Todoroki and Isa. 

Isa is on the floor and Todoroki is feeding her a few blood restoration pills, while Momo and Uraraka are bandaging her up. 

" Is she alright" All Might call out the second we arrive. 

" Does she look alright" Todoroki growls while trying to now ice her wounds. 

" She'll live if that's what your asking" Momo answeres. 

Heros pour though the door some of them escort the rest of the class out, while others carry Sensei. 

Someone suggested we leave and Kachan started to growl. Recovery Girl was here in seconds and began to heal Isa. Not a lot since she did.t have that much energy but enough so they could take her to the hospital. 

Only two of us could ride in the ambulance so All Might and I ended up in awkward silence. Both of us focused on Isa. 


Isa's report came. At this point, Kachan, mom, All Might, Kachan's parents, Uraraka, Momo, and Todoroki were here. We had all gotten check-ups and bandaged a bit so we were fine. 

" I'm going to be blunt with you... It's a miracle that this girl is alive" The doctor started and I was close to slapping him. Kachan's mom had to hold him back from doing something worse. 

" 8 broken ribs, a punctured lung, a broken arm, and her skull is fractured. " the doctor continued and silence followed his report. 

" Fortunately there is no brain damage and she should be fine within weeks since her quick is healing her at a fast rate," The doctor said and left. I was biting down on my tongue and looked down, silent tears flowed down my face. 

Kachan was cursing out and his parents her silent. All Might was looking down and Todoroki was shaking slightly. Mom burst into tears along with Uraraka and Momo sniffling silently. 

I'm her older brother. It's my job to make sure that she doesn't get hurt and what do I do when she needs me. Nothing. 

She was always the one who saved me. From bullies, villains, even teachers. 

So why couldn't I be there once to save her? 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up at All Might. He shook his head as if knowing what I was thinking and went to sit down. My eyes lingered at the door that my sister was in and I sat down. 

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