CH 3 Izu is a hero

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We left home at the normal time today. Mom scolded Izu and told him not to get caught up in an another villain attack in the morning. 

We walked down the nearly empty street and the sun hit my skin giving me goosebumps. I sighed this was calming. The only thing I hard was Izu's steps slightly behind me. 

I started to hum one of my favorite songs call Hey mama and Izu visible relaxed. He even started hitting the railing next to him creating a beat. 

The day went visibly peaceful, but I couldn't help feeling that something was about to go wrong. I kept looking a Kats through the end of my vision through out the day. 

As we left the classroom at the end of the day I told Kats to stay safe and he looked at me weirdly. Me and Izu took a detour to a shop owned by the father of a friend of mine. Her dad owns a weapons shop which is were I got the mini dagger I keep in my skirt. 

I walked up to the counter were my friend Alex was cleaning what looked like a box but I knew it wasn't. Izu was clearly weirded out and was looking at me as if I was crazy. 

" Hey Alex can I ask you something" I said flashing her a smile and a wink. She laughs and nods putting down the box and looking behind me at my brother. 

" You must be the famous Izuku" She states winking at him and he turns red and starts to stutter. I roll my eyes at my friends flirtatious attitude. 

" My brother is quirk less and I need something he can carry with him at all times that can help him I don't know. Not. Die. The one time I leave him alone" I say giving a pointed look to Izu who was blushing and Alex laughs. 

" I have just the thing" She states and gets up. She walks to the backroom and leaves with a reddish Bracelet. 

" This can give the wearer something like super strengths on the arm he wears its on" She states putting the bracelet on Izu. He looks at the bracelet like it was a mix between the strangest and the best thing ever. 

Me and Alex giggle at Izu's face and he blushes. I do a quick eye roll with Alex and pay for the bracelet. Izu is jumping up and down and mumbling/looking at the bracelet

" Why doesn't everyone go to this shop" He asks after he calms down and I shake my head. 

" The only reason I know of this shop is because Alex works there. No one is supposed to know about it except specific heroes" I say looking at Izu with a look telling him not to tell anyone. 

As soon as we turn an intersect I see the worst thing I could have. Me and Izu stop and gasp and Izu is shaking. 

Kats is being attacked by the slime villain and the heroes cant stop them. People are screaming and I hear my heartbeat in my ears. 

Time stopped just like last time and I make eye contact with Kats whos eyes show fear. The guy who has jumped off a cliff willingly is scared. My eyes narrow at the slime villain and I run. 

The slime villain now has Kats in a hold wear he cant breath. I feel Cheetah ears and a tail appear as I run and I swipe at the slime villain. It growls and looks at me, I make a sound that was inhuman. 

I give another swipe with my claws and free Kats who falls onto Izu. I look at the villain who is currently being captured by villains and smirk. 

Karma is a female dog. 

The slime villain pushes past the heroes and rushes towards me and I give it a glare. Before he even gets close to me Izu punches it with his bracelet arm and it flies towards the awaiting heroes who hold it down. 

I look at Kats who is barley conscious and crouch down next to him. I active my healing quirk and start making him breath better and sent a calming mood towards him. 

" I gave you one job to stay safe and what do you do" I say raising my eyebrow with a smirk. He blushes and looks away chuckling as snicker. 

The heroes take Kats away for a checkup while me and Izu go home. We go to make a turn but are stopped by All Might. 

He explains that he is looking for a successor and he chose Izu who is currently crying. He looks at me with a calculated gaze. 

" Young Isa what is your quirk I have seen you use many" He states and I giggle. 

" Don't you want to know" I say and Izu groans, All Might on the other hand chuckles and gives me a look saying You're not leaving till you tell me and I sigh. 

" Its called copycat it allows the user to copy the quirks, mindsets, and physical properties of anyone she/he has contact with. " I explain and he smiles. 

" Looks like I will have 2 successors " he states and I look at him as if he just insulted my mom. 

" Wait what" I say as Izu smiles and starts to scream yes. 

Fine I say and he tells us to meet him at the beach tomorrow morning. 

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